How to check the balance of someone else's number. How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber: all possible ways. Help Desk

Many of us from time to time or constantly replenish not only our phone balance, but also the balance of a child, retired parents or phones registered to your company.

To track the expenditure of funds on these numbers, mobile operators have provided a special service that allows you to find out the balance of another subscriber.

How to find out the balance of another subscriber in MTS?

MTS provides an opportunity to find out the status of the account of another subscriber whose number is connected to the tariff plan "Lighthouse". Previously, from this number it is necessary to assign phone numbers from which it is allowed to check its balance. It should be dialed from the number on the tariff "Mayak" request *111*422# (call), then follow the USSD menu items. You can assign up to ten numbers registered in the MTS of your region, from which it will be allowed to control the balance of this number.

To be able to control, you must first connect a free service to your phone "Friend's Balance". This is easy to do upon request. *111*422# (call) either in MTS personal account. To check the balance of the number on Mayak, dial a request from your number *140*his phone number# (call). Information about the balance of another phone is provided free of charge.

How to check the balance of another subscriber in Beeline?

The ability to check the balance of another number in Beeline is implemented through the "Balance of relatives" option. Information is provided free of charge, however, for connecting one number to the verification list, 5 rubles are debited from the account.

  • Request to connect a number to the list of checked *131*5*phone number to be checked# (call)
  • Request to connect a verification number *131*1*checking phone number# (call)
  • Requesting the consent of the person being checked for verification * 131 * 5 * number of the checked Beeline subscriber without 8 # (call)
  • Request for the balance status of the checked number *131*6*number of the verified subscriber# (call)
  • Prohibition of checking the balance of your number *131*0*testing subscriber number# (call)

In addition to receiving information about the balance of your loved one, with the "Balance of relatives" service you will receive a notification when the amount on his balance becomes less than 60 rubles.

How to find out the balance of another number in Megafon?

You can receive information about the state of the balance of a loved one free of charge through the functionality of the “Balance of relatives” service. To do this, the person whose balance you want to control (the ward) must set for his number a list of numbers from which requests for his balance are allowed. The "Balance of loved ones" service is also connected to the number of the ward. To do this, requests are sent from his number to connect the numbers of guardians.

  • *438*1*number# (call)– connection of the number of the guardian;
  • *438*2*number# (call)– removal of the guardian's number from the list;
  • *438*3# (call)– resetting the entire list of guardians;
  • *438*4# *(call)– request for a list of guardian numbers.

To get information about the status of the account of the ward, you need to dial a request from your phone *100* ward number without 8# (call). The service will automatically turn off when the list of phones of the ward is reset.

How can I find out the balance of another subscriber in Tele2?

Tele2 subscribers do not have a special service that allows you to control the balance of another number. If the phone number belongs to one of your loved ones, you can call the Tele2 reference number 611 and pass a check, during which you will have to give the passport details of the person to whom the checked number is registered or the PUK code of his SIM card.

In addition, you can get the necessary information at the Tele2 service salon if you come there with documents that certify your right to control the number.

The answer to this question is most of all of interest to new MTS subscribers, since the rest have either entered the request into their contacts or dial it automatically without even thinking about it. So:

How to find out your balance on MTS?

There are many ways to find out your balance. We all need a phone.

The most common way for all operators is a short query - such as *100# + call. After the request, your balance will be displayed on the screen.

There is a little more complicated, we need to dial a phone number 0890 + call, and then select the desired menu item to listen to your balance in voice performance.

You can also find out your balance by dialing the same number from a contact center specialist 0890 , but this method will be extremely long and tedious, and you will also need to confirm your data. In general, this method is not for us.

If you want, use the built-in SIM card SMS services available on any phone or smartphone. After selecting the desired menu item, after a while you will receive a notification. This method can be used when short requests, or a call to a specialist is not possible.

You can also go to your personal account on the official website of the MTS company, where we will need to enter a username and password (phone number + password will come to your number after the request (if you are entering the personal account for the first time)). There you will receive information not only on the amount of money in your account, but also information about the tariff plan, details, services and much more.

This is where mobile solutions end.

The last option is to contact the retail network specialists at the communication salon, after providing a passport, they will tell you your balance. After all, it is possible that you do not have access to the SIM card, or you have lost it. Then this method will help you.

How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber?

You can also control the balance of another MTS subscriber from your number.

You will need to dial combinations such as:

*111*2137# + call - in this way you will use the service "Balance of another subscriber" where you can control the balance of another MTS number. The main thing is that you will have to add this number to the list of "Favorite Numbers". There will be a subscription fee for this service.

SMS to number 111 with text 2137, just like the first method will call "Balance of another subscriber"

Once connected, you can send SMS to number 111 with text *100# and you will receive messages about the balance of the connected numbers.

Checking the account on the operator's phone number is possible both on your own and on someone else's. There is an option "Friend's balance", which makes it possible to find out how much money is in the account of another subscriber. Its use is limited due to the fact that it is intended for those users who are connected to the Mayak tariff. Here we will provide a detailed description of this unusual tariff.

Overview of TP "Mayak"

There are several categories of tariffs provided by MTS to its subscribers:

  • Those who use tablet computers, smartphones, modems;
  • For users of so-called "smart" devices;
  • Telematic services.

The previously mentioned Mayak tariff is related specifically to the third category. It was created for people who often have to make calls such as "fax" and "CSD". They are relevant for transmitting information in encrypted form and sending faxes. As a rule, SIM cards connected to this tariff are installed on faxes, navigation devices, modems and various other hardware equipment.

So that a person could afford to work with the described types of calls, the operator developed a special-purpose tariff plan called "Mayak". There is no mandatory subscription fee here, as well as packages of various services. The billing of this format of local calls in the MTS network is 1.5 rubles. per minute, to the numbers of other operators 3 rubles. in a minute. On-net calls within Russia cost five rubles per minute, to other numbers - fourteen rubles per minute.

One megabyte of Internet at this tariff costs 4.5 rubles. The advantage is that it is possible to connect additional options. If you need to send messages from the device, you should connect profitable SMS packages. In the standard format, the prices are as follows: local format numbers - 1.5 rubles per message, inter-regional SMS cost 3.8 rubles apiece, sending to international numbers is carried out for 5.25 rubles per message.

Attention! A user of a mobile phone or smartphone with a SIM card, to which the described tariff is connected, can check the account balance by dialing *100#, find out the balance for services - *100*1#, by options - *217#.

How can I check the availability of money on another number

If you want to know the status of your second account, then dial 0890 and call the help desk, where you specify all the information you need from the operator. You will need to provide your personal details.

Now let's figure out how to be aware of the status of the personal account of another subscriber, for example, a grandmother, a child, and so on. On the official website of the operator, you need to enter the "Personal Account" and from there send a special password to the phone you bought. After this action, even without access to the number itself, you can always find out if there is money there.

As already mentioned, there is also a special service called "Friend's Balance", which allows you to check the account on someone else's phone. By itself, this function is strange, as it makes it possible to obtain information only about the numbers on which the described tariff plan is connected. We are already aware that Mayak belongs to a highly specialized category and it is not clear why the user's family should check the account on the number.

There are several conditions under which you can find out the status of someone else's number using this service:

  • The main thing is that the specified TP is connected to this number;
  • The rest can be connected to any tariff from MTS;
  • All telephone numbers are serviced in Moscow or the region;
  • Users with access to verification are not connected to corporate TPs.

The ability to check someone else's phone account is provided to no more than ten subscribers. The owner of the main number enters them into the list and leaves them until he has such a need.

There is no need to talk about the benefits of such a service for most users. But if a person is forced to use non-standard equipment and telematics in his work, then this is by the way. If these are modems built into voice gateways, routers, PBXs, and so on, then checking whether there is money in the account is problematic. In this particular situation, the service provided by the operator is useful.

How can I connect "Friend's Balance" and find out the necessary information

No money is charged for connecting the service, and the subscription fee is also not charged. To connect it, you need to dial the combination *111*422# or use the features of the "Personal Account". After that, a list of trusted persons is compiled. These people will be able to view the balance without any problems. To add, dial *111*422#. Further actions are performed according to the instructions.

The most important thing remains, you will find out exactly how you can find out the status of someone else's account. The combination *140*number# is dialed. There is no charge for this request. Remarkably, the same number has the right to learn about the position of someone else's balance on many numbers. Their number is not limited.

Attention! If you want to connect the described service and set it up, you need to put a SIM card on any mobile device that works on the Mayak TP. In the future, you can remove it from the phone and rearrange it in any equipment.

How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber? Usually people want to control the expenses of their loved ones in order to replenish their account in a timely manner. The company took into account the requests of customers and created a special service.

Getting information about the balance on someone else's number has now become much easier. Using this option, you can request the data of interest and timely replenish the account of a loved one.

Naturally, the other subscriber must provide permission to check his balance. It turns out that you will not be able to check the status of the account of any person you are interested in. The service must be activated in advance and access to this information must be obtained from the MTS client.

How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber from your phone?

This service is the only way to check the status of the account of another client of the company. It is important that the option is absolutely free. You do not have to pay for its connection and further use.

The service is available on most of the company's mobile plans. The exceptions are "Cool" and "Lighthouse". But on them the service is included in the standard package, so it does not need to be connected separately.

Additionally, the option is not available on corporate plans. The company provides the service exclusively for ordinary subscribers.


What are the benefits of the option?

  1. It is easy to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber.
  2. The option is provided free of charge.
  3. It is available to all subscribers.
  4. The service works great and there are no problems with it.
  5. It is available at any time of the day.
  6. You can quickly query the parameters of interest.
  7. Unlike other methods offered on the Internet, this option really works.

How to connect?

There are several ways to connect:

  • Through SMS.
  • With a call.
  • Through a request.

You can send SMS with the code 2137 to number 111. In response, you should receive a message about the successful connection of the service. The notification arrives within 1-2 minutes.

It is proposed to call 111 and follow the prompts of the system. The robot will help you find the required menu item and activate the service.

The fastest way is to dial the code *111*2337# . In response, you should receive a notification about the activation of the service. The whole procedure will take no more than one minute for the subscriber.

How to use?

How to check the balance of another MTS subscriber? After activating the service, you will need:

  1. Dial a team *140*subscriber number#.
  2. Press the call key.
  3. The message should contain information about the amount of funds on the phone of this subscriber.

The option can be called quite useful. It allows you to check the status of the account of a loved one without any particular problems. All requests and the service itself is free, this fact will be an advantage.

But it is important that the subscriber's number is added to the list of Favorites in advance. So the client confirms that he is ready to transfer information about the current balance to another person. Therefore, it is worth activating your favorite numbers with MTS.

For people using cellular communications, the situation is extremely unpleasant when for some reason they are left without money in their personal account. To prevent subscribers from forgetting to top up their phone balance, most mobile operators send them SMS reminders. But what if users deposit money not only to their balance, but also to the accounts of their loved ones?

In this case, it is especially important to promptly receive information about the financial status of all SIM cards replenished by them, even if direct access to them is not always available. To control the mobile accounts of other subscribers, you can use several services, which we will discuss in this article.

Ways to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber

There is no need to say how bad it is when relatives are left without contact, especially children whose accounts are replenished by their parents. After all, it is extremely necessary that the child could reach them at any moment - children's peace of mind and safety are above all. Therefore, the personal account of the child is the subject of constant attention of the people closest to him.

Unfortunately, a child's phone is not always in their field of vision, and you can miss the moment when the money in his account drops to a minimum. It would be very convenient if parents could find out the balance of another subscriber in the same way as their own on Beeline - from their mobile phone.

You can find out your balance for subscribers who are on a postpaid settlement system by sending a USSD request *102# or by activating the "" service. Subscribers who are on prepaid tariffs can send the command *110*04# or activate the "SMS account" service.

Finding out the balance of someone else's number on Beeline is as easy as checking the status of your personal account. There are several ways to check the accounts of loved ones.

With the help of the "Balance of relatives" service

A very convenient and simple service from Beeline, which will notify via SMS that the balance of a person close to you has reached the mark of 30 rubles, or you yourself can request the status of another subscriber's account.

Service activation is free, there is no subscription fee. For connecting to the option the number of the subscriber whose account you would like to control, you will need to pay 5 rubles.

The service is managed using free USSD requests.

Of course, without the consent of the other subscriber, it is impossible to find out the balance on Beeline. Therefore, you must first connect someone else's number to the service. You can do this in two ways:

  • Send a request from your Beeline phone in the following format: *131*5*number# . In response, a loved one must agree to the verification from his mobile (he will receive a request about this with further instructions).
  • Send an invitation to access from the number whose balance you want to monitor using the command *131*1*number# . At the same time, in order to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber in this case, the number to which access is granted may belong to any operator.

Using the USSD request *131*9*# you can find out who has access to view your account.

To deactivate the "Balance of loved ones" service, dial *131*0*# .

All phone numbers in requests and commands must be specified without the first " 8 " and " +7 ».

Through the Beeline Personal Account

The subscriber's personal account is a great opportunity to manage all the options not only of your Beeline number, but also of the numbers of your loved ones. Through the Personal Account, you can change the tariff on someone else's number, enable or disable additional options, view the remaining minutes, megabytes and SMS, find out the balance on another Beeline phone number, and also replenish it.

To gain access to managing the number of another subscriber, you need either permission to access the management of his number. To do this, you can either ask for a password or send a request through the cabinet interface.

You can add another subscriber's number in your Personal Account on the Beeline website. To do this, after authorization, go to "Settings", click on the button " Number Management” and click “ Add phone or account number».

If you regularly replenish the balance of another Beeline subscriber, then the most convenient option would be to add his number to your account and there. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the state of the balance at all, because when a certain minimum threshold is reached, the mobile account will be replenished automatically from your bank card.

Through the Help Desk

Short help line - 0611, free federal number - 8-800-700-0611. A call to these universal numbers will not only allow you to find out the balance of another subscriber, but will solve all the user's problems in the Beeline network.

To check the balance of another subscriber on Beeline, in addition to the number itself, you need to know the personal and passport data of its owner. The help desk operator will ask security questions, check the information received with the database, and provide the requested information, if, of course, the check gives positive results

If checking someone else's personal account showed that it was empty or approaching zero, you can replenish it in any available way, or, using the "" service, send money to this subscriber from your phone account.