Turns off periodically. Why does the computer turn off by itself? Repair, computer setup. Malfunctions of the electrical network and PC power supply

Why the computer turns off and how to find the reason

First of all, let's divide the problem into two completely different reasons. Does your computer turn off by itself almost immediately after turning it on, or at a certain point during the actual boot of the operating system? If the shutdown occurs instantly, it is likely that some component of the PC or laptop has failed, for example, a short circuit has occurred that damaged the power supply, motherboard or processor.

If the computer turns off while playing or loading the operating system, then this is also a hardware part, but it is easier to localize it, since you can test it with special programs. Here we consider the general approach - when the computer turns off periodically or almost immediately after pressing the power button.

There are several reasons why the computer turns off, so it is important to determine which reason is the most likely.

Computer shuts down while playing

Many users begin to blame the video card. But it is worth noting that the video card in such a situation should be considered after checking the other two components of the computer. Usually, the symptoms are if the computer turns off during the game and the video card is to blame, others. At the same time, the PC does not turn off, but freezes or artifacts appear on the monitor.

Computer shuts down due to power supply problems

If your computer periodically turns off during the game, then most likely the reason is in the power supply. The shutdown probably happens for two reasons. First: during a computer game, the load on the video card increases.

At the same time, the power supply, which is either not designed for such a peak load, or is simply of poor quality, does not withstand. Therefore, the system unit is rebooted.

Check the power supply. If the computer boots for some time, this does not mean that the power supply in the computer is working properly. In my experience, the power supply is more likely to cause shutdowns than any other part of the system. Ideally, you need to replace the power supply to make sure it is 100% working.

Why else does the computer usually turn off?

CPU issues

Another reason when the computer turns off when you start the game is the processor. More precisely, its critical temperature. This is also due to an increase in load - during the game, the requirements for the processing power of the processor increase. Accordingly, the temperature also rises. If the cooling on the CPU socket is of poor quality, then protection is triggered and the computer suddenly turns off.

The symptoms described are not necessarily related to computer games. If your computer turns off when watching a video or running “heavy” applications, then most likely this is also due to the increased load on the PSU or processor.

Computer turns on and then immediately turns off

It might be more difficult here. Along with the above reasons, malfunctions with other components of the system may occur. If the computer turns off when you turn it on, then the reason may be the motherboard or RAM.

RAM problems

The advice to start diagnosing a breakdown is simple - with RAM. The symptoms of faulty memory are varied. These are system freezes, and “brakes” of applications and games, and even a banal restart of the computer. As you can see, not everything is so simple.

But checking the RAM should be one of the first, since it is less expensive and time-consuming compared to the motherboard. For more information on how to check RAM - read here below.

Motherboard problems

If everything is in order with the memory, and the computer turns off at boot, the advice is to pay attention to the motherboard. Testing a motherboard is not an easy task for an unprepared person. Now - let's describe some symptoms that will help determine that when you turn on the computer, it turns off precisely because of a malfunction of the motherboard.

The first reason is that the motherboard is already worn out. Accordingly, it most likely does not make sense to repair it due to the economic component. If the computer is not very outdated, then you can try to buy a replacement. If the PC barely moves its brains, then you should think about buying a new computer. In this case, there is nothing to be done - the failure of the motherboard most hits the pockets of owners of outdated computers.

The second reason is microcracks in the soldering of the motherboard. There are two options here - a similar defect can pass by itself, for a certain period of time, which rarely happens. Or you will have to buy a new motherboard.

The third reason when the computer turns off immediately after turning on is the failure of the capacitors on the motherboard. This is also treated by soldering the capacitors to new ones. How to find out which capacitor is bad and which is not is described below.

Fourth reason. If the computer turns off when Windows boots up, then the chipset on the motherboard may be overheating. You can check with a multimeter. It is better not to check with your finger or tongue, you can get burned.

Computer turns on and off for other reasons

In fact, there can be many reasons, and if you do not have the appropriate skills for testing and checking equipment, then it may be better to call a specialist.

In addition to the problems described, the computer turns off spontaneously for the following reasons:

Faulty wiring
faulty power strip or UPS
dust in the system unit (see photo)
voltage drops
undervoltage in the network

All this should not be discounted, especially since checking these factors does not take much time. By the way, the reasons can be programmatic properties. For example, if the computer turns off every 2 hours, then the computer may have viruses and need to be removed.

Make sure the power supply switch is set correctly. This applies to old computers, modern power supplies do not suffer from this archaism. However, if the input voltage for the power supply is not correct (very low), the computer may not turn on. Most likely, the computer will not turn on at all or will constantly reboot if there is insufficient voltage in the network.

Check for possible causes of a short circuit inside the computer. This is very often the reason for shutting down the computer when the PC seems to start, but then immediately turns off. Of course, this is advice for those who have the necessary knowledge.

Check the power button on the front of the computer case. It often happens that the button sticks, and therefore the computer cannot turn on, constantly turning off.

Also advice is to try reinstalling all computer components:

Check all cables coming from the power supply
Reinstall memory modules
Plug the video card into a different slot if possible

Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard and mouse. Of course, it is unlikely that they are the cause of such a serious problem, but they should not be ruled out either. Reinstall the processor if you suspect that it is not properly cooled. The chance that the computer is turning off due to the processor is not the greatest, so this procedure should be performed after checking other components of the computer.

Try turning on your computer with only the essentials: processor, RAM, and graphics card. If after that it works, then the problem is in the disconnected equipment. If the computer still turns off, then you can return everything to its place and look for the cause further.

How to check why the computer turns off by itself

So, now directly to checking the reason why the computer is constantly turning off. The easiest way to check what exactly is failing is to replace that part of the system on which suspicion fell. But first, the advice is to clean the computer from dust.

To remove a processor from suspects, it is necessary to replace the thermal paste and test it with special programs, for example, using the S&M processor and RAM testing program. It is best to check the processor temperature through the BIOS, in the appropriate section:

RAM can also be tested with a specialized MemTest86 program to test memory in DOS. If during the verification process it finds critical errors, it is worth thinking about its serviceability.

The power supply can be checked with a multimeter. Naturally, this opportunity is available to a trained person. Warning - DO NOT GO INTO THE EQUIPMENT UNDER HIGH VOLTAGE WITHOUT PROPER SKILL

The motherboard is quite easy to check visually - for swollen capacitors. Of course, microcracks cannot be checked this way. But if it's all about microcracks, then you can throw the board away with peace of mind, or try to vacuum it carefully and efficiently.

All this can be replaced by one check - eliminating the component that is under suspicion and replacing it with a 100% working one. True, this method is not available to everyone, but it is effective and relatively simple. This is especially true of the motherboard, the symptoms of a malfunction of which, when the computer turns off after turning on, can be so diverse that you can go through half the system unit before you get to it.

The most common reason why a computer may turn off is a power supply problem and power surges. However, this problem is solved by purchasing an uninterruptible power supply unit, the so-called UPS. Any user can handle this. We will consider other, more specific options.

Overheating of computer components

Computer users often forget that it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the system unit at least once a year, to clean its elements. A lot of dust can accumulate in them over several years. There are cases when it is difficult even to turn this or that cooler. Dust and dirt reduce the speed of the fans, which leads to overheating of the system components. Such dust, for example, interferes with heat dissipation during the operation of the central processor. As a result, its temperature rises.

Overheating also occurs due to the fact that the system unit is located in the niche of the computer desk, where it is closely adjacent to the walls. It is necessary that the computer is located at least 15 cm from the nearest wall. This condition can be neglected if the components of a small unit are not the most powerful.

Overheating of the central processor can happen due to the thermal paste that has dried up for a long time. It needs to be changed at least once every two years.

How to diagnose this problem? Various utilities for monitoring temperatures will come to the rescue. Such programs are available on the official websites of motherboard manufacturers. For example, for Gigabyte motherboards, such a utility is called System Information Viewer. It is part of a whole set of APP Center utilities. With it, you can configure alerts for exceeding the temperatures of the CPU and motherboard. Usually, the maximum allowable temperature on a processor chip is available on the manufacturer's website.

It is also necessary to monitor the speed of the processor cooler fan. After all, the smaller the average, the longer it will last. In this utility, the recording of parameters over time is also available.

Therefore, you can load the processor with some resource-demanding application or game and monitor its temperature. Then analyze the received data and make sure that the computer shuts down due to temperature due to excessive processor heating.

The video card can also overheat, therefore, it is necessary to control its temperature, which can reach high values ​​- about 100 ºС.

It does not cover cases where overheating occurs due to overclocking of the processor, RAM or video card. These ways to increase system performance are available mainly to enthusiasts and avid gamers.

Motherboard failure

The motherboard is the most complex device in a computer, on which various elements are located. She is also responsible for distributing power between the components. Often the motherboard fails due to swelling of the capacitors and the leakage of electrolyte from them. Such damage also causes the computer to shut down spontaneously. Normally, the surface of such cylinders is flat. A swollen capacitor indicates serious problems with the board. But she can still work for some time. If traces of leaked electrolyte are visible, then this is the reason to visit a service center.

Power supply failure

The power supply can also cause the computer to shut down unexpectedly. This can occur when its power is incorrectly calculated at the assembly stage, or after adding an additional module to an existing system, for example, a powerful video card. More power may be required if, for example, a 4-core processor is replaced with an 8-core one. This usually happens when the user loads the graphics card with demanding games or runs several resource-intensive applications at the same time. In idle mode everything works fine. In this case, you need to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the computer, the cause of overheating of the power supply due to dust accumulated in it or inappropriate fan speed temperature cannot be ruled out. At one point, the cooler will stop rotating, which can lead to a pop, after which it will not even be possible to apply voltage to the power supply. To prevent such a situation, it is better to take care of replacing the cooler in the power supply in advance. The cost of this will be disproportionately less compared to other components.

The sudden shutdown of the computer can also be associated with the drying of electrolytic capacitors, which affect the electrical parameters of the device as a whole.

The impact of RAM on system stability

Suppose the motherboard BIOS has not been updated for several months. During this time, a utility was installed that is responsible for optimizing system components, for example, controlling the voltages of the processor and RAM, adjusting the speed of the case fan and the CPU cooler. With its help, you can also select the XMP profile of the RAM (a certain frequency and timings of the memory). Depending on the profile, the utility also changes the corresponding voltages. Gigabyte has a utility called EasyTune.

For example, Intel processors officially work correctly with DDR4 RAM up to 2400 MHz. This frequency corresponds to certain voltages. With an increase in frequency, even with the help of an XMP profile, the RAM and processor start to work at other, higher voltages, which can affect their service life. Therefore, some users begin to reduce them, which can also lead to an unexpected reboot of the system due to insufficient supply voltage of individual elements. By selecting such parameters as “VCCIO voltage”, “System agent voltage” and “DRAM voltage”, you can achieve the stability of the system as a whole.

Then, after updating the BIOS, all its parameters are reset to default and you need to reconfigure the system. To facilitate this process, it is better to record the values ​​of these parameters separately in advance.

Turning off the computer after installing a new driver, program, or game

When a new version of a driver or program is installed, it makes some changes to the system. Drivers may not be compatible with the old hardware of this computer, and utilities create certain errors in Windows.

Running a modern game or video content at a high bitrate can load the CPU up to 100% of its performance, causing it to overheat, and the system properly responds to this by shutting down the computer. To prevent this from happening in the future, you need to remove such applications.

If the shutdown occurs after installing a new BIOS version of the motherboard, then you can reset the BIOS settings to factory settings or return to the previous version. In the first case, a special jumper or pulling out a flat round battery will help. In the second, it is necessary to use a special program for flashing the BIOS, but only if the old one was saved before installing the new version. For Gigabyte, this is the @BIOS utility.

Sometimes, updating the drivers or BIOS can, on the contrary, allow you to no longer allow the computer to turn off unexpectedly. You need to constantly check for updates.

With the installation of a driver or program, the user may also receive a virus that targets system instability. This may also cause the computer to restart. Check the system for possible viruses with an antivirus program. It should always be enabled so that when downloading application distributions or drivers from the Internet, you do not run into a virus attack.

These are just the most common causes of a sudden shutdown or restart of the computer. But, following these recommendations, you can prevent such a situation or minimize its consequences. The main thing is to carry out periodic maintenance of the components of the system unit, constantly update the databases of anti-virus programs, drivers and not overclock the system components.

Hello friends. What to do if the computer turns off by itself? A PC or laptop should not randomly turn off for no reason. And if such a problem takes place, obviously something is wrong. Either the software part of the device or the hardware part can be out of order. Below we consider common reasons that can cause unauthorized shutdown of computer devices. At the end of the article I will tell you two very interesting cases on this topic.

Computer turns off by itself

Let's start with the reasons at the Windows level.

1. Task Scheduler

First of all, be sure to check the Task Scheduler Library

and remove the tasks that may be related to the computer's self-shutdown. IN carefully review all tasks of the scheduler.For example, in addition to the usual task that turns off the PC, a bat file launched by the scheduler and so on can do this.

2. Drivers

Windows is a universal operating system for a huge number of computer components. Their support is implemented through drivers, which can malfunction due to various programmers' mistakes when writing them, problems within Windows itself, or driver conflicts. More often, such problems manifest themselves in the form of a blue screen of death (BSOD), but sometimes they can manifest themselves in the form of an arbitrary shutdown of the computer without crashing into a BSOD. Knowing or at least assuming which device driver is the instigator of the problem, you can try. If the driver is installed from an EXE installer, it is preferable to get one. Without knowing the specific causal driver, you can try to reset the binding to components using the standard Windows Sysprep utility.

3. Viruses

Viruses can cause arbitrary shutdown of the computer - both their direct participation and the consequences they cause in the form of the destruction of important system files. Here it is necessary to destroy the viruses and carry out (you can even do this). As a last resort, reinstall Windows.

4. Third Party Programs

If the computer turns off by itself, the reason for this may be the work of third-party programs. The likelihood that one program conflicts with another and this leads to this result is very small. Usually programs just crash, and serious ones like hypervisors fall into BSOD. But you can also come across such a picture: erroneously configured or forgotten schedulers inside programs such as media players or various organizers, working in the background, shut down the PC (the same Download Master can do this).

Naturally, believing that in this way they follow the instructions of the user.

Testing a computer device in mode will help identify third-party programs that cause a problem. By the way, the task to turn off the computer at a certain time or under certain circumstances can also hang out in the regular Windows scheduler (this is written at the beginning of the article).

  • Note: whether the reason for the arbitrary shutdown of the computer is software, and not hardware, you can determine by testing its operation as part of starting from any assembly of the Live-disk for system engineers. One of the best WinPE-based LiveDisks is the AdminPE and .

What hardware reasons can cause the computer to turn off by itself?

5. Heavy loads on a weak computer

If resource-intensive tasks such as modern games or 3D programs are launched on a weak PC or laptop, the device may not withstand the load and either freeze for a long time, or fall into a BSOD, or randomly reboot or turn off. And this is regardless of the overheating of the video card or processor, although, of course, both factors can take place.

6. Overheating of components

One of the most common reasons why a computer shuts down on its own is overheating of the processor, video card, or hard drive. The protection of these components is activated. Again, the clinical manifestations can be different - both with and without loss in BSOD. Requires all components under load. If it reaches a critical threshold, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of overheating:

Check if the PC case is sufficiently ventilated;

Clean the computer from dust, replace the thermal paste on the processor;

Add the number of revolutions of the cooler, replace it or strengthen the cooling system;

Replace the hard drive (often overheating HDDs are not repaired due to the inexpediency of repairs, since a used hard drive in good condition is cheaper than a service center to restore a heated one).

  • Note: some laptops, for example, some HP models, are initially prone to HDD overheating due to the unsuccessful design of the device itself. For such laptops, you can pick up.

7. Power supply

Another fairly common reason why the computer turns off by itself is problems with the power supply. It may either be faulty or too weak to handle powerful user tasks such as running resource-intensive games. Whether the power supply is faulty, only a specialized specialist will install.

8. Power surges

A computer is more sensitive than consumer electronics to power surges, which, alas, is often found in settlements remote from cities. And power surges can lead to unauthorized shutdown of computers, while other appliances in the house can continue to work. In such cases, you need to take care of a surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

9. Incorrect overclocking

10. Other

Other reasons for the random shutdown of the computer may include:

Swollen or leaking capacitors, cracks in the soldering of the motherboard;

A heating chipset of the motherboard (shutdown can occur right at the stage of starting the computer).

Without the relevant specialized knowledge, such issues, of course, need to be resolved with the involvement of a service center specialist.

Promised stories

They brought us a computer to the service center, which turned off by itself (according to the client, always late in the evening). In search of a solution to the problem, we dismantled the entire Windows piece by piece and did not find anything criminal, except for five malicious programs that we removed, after which, just in case, we restored the integrity of the system files. The time was already late and we were going home, deciding to leave the computer on. The sistemnik plowed for more than a day and we safely gave it to the client. The next day, the person came back and said that the computer turned off last night. My partner decided not to suffer anymore and reinstall Windows, but I was against it. Deciding to firmly find the reason and write an article, I took the computer home. My PC did not turn off for three whole days! And then a wonderful idea came to my mind. I called the client and asked what he usually does at the computer in the evening and he replied: “Nothing special, I watch movies”! It turned out that our victim uses only two programs: the browser and the KMPlayer player, in the settings of which I found what I was looking for.

The second incident is also interesting, but I will not describe it completely, I will tell you the essence. The client brought a PC, which at his house turned off several times during the day, and it worked fine for us for a week. In the end, it turned out to be a faulty electrical power cable for the computer, which he did not bring with him. I made this assumption and asked the client to bring the cable. When the cable was checked for an open circuit with a multimeter, my assumption was confirmed and it remains only to replace it with a new one!

There are a great many different types of programs that create many troubles for users, moreover, they spread independently. There are those who, after loading, turn off the PC.

Let's figure out what to do to either eliminate this option or fix the problem.
First of all, you need to create a boot disk, or flash drive with antivirus software. On the websites of manufacturers of anti-virus programs, such images are offered for free, with complete instructions for creating boot disks. Although this will require a "healthy" computer with Internet access.

Having created such a drive, you should:

Note. A full scan can take a long time, up to several days, depending on the amount and nature of the recorded information, as well as on the overall performance of the system.

If, after checking, the system is similarly turned off during operation, or does not have time to boot at all, then the problem is definitely a hardware one.

Low power or PSU failure

When the PC does not even have time to start loading, or the previous version clearly indicated a hardware problem, then the secondary power source in the computer itself is often the culprit. Or, alternatively, the voltage in the 220V AC network is simply too low.

First of all, you need to check the AC voltage. Either a "familiar electrician" or a universal device - a multimeter - can help with this. Ideally, the mains voltage should be 220 volts, however, deviations of 10% are allowed. Those. at 240 or 200 V, the power supply should work normally.

In the event that the voltage deviates beyond the permissible limits, it is necessary either to solve the problem by contacting electricians, or to install a voltage stabilizer, of which a sufficient number are on sale.

In the power supply itself, if the problem is not in the outlet, there may be malfunctions of the following nature (when the computer turns off periodically):

  • emergency shutdown, as a result of overheating - the cooling fan may have failed, or the inside of the power supply is very dirty;
  • physical degradation of circuit components (usually capacitors) - usually after “warming up” it starts to work normally;
  • excessive load on the components of the system unit - emergency shutdown, as a result of overload;
  • an alarm signal from the motherboard - a malfunction of the built-in converters or others (although this is no longer the PSU itself).

What needs to be done to correct the situation:

By and large, if cleaning from dust solved the problem, then good. In other cases (except for the option when the system does not work with a known good PSU), it is best to replace the secondary power supply. But in the case of system inoperability with a known good power supply, the problem lies in other components.

Overheating of the processor or video card

After long-term operation, or with the initial marriage of some components, a situation is possible when the computer turns off due to overheating of important components. For example, the cooling radiators of the central or graphics processor can “overgrow” with dust and stop performing their functions.

If the computer turns off by itself, after 5 minutes of operation, then first of all it is necessary to check the cooling systems.

What to initially pay attention to will be prompted by the nature of the behavior of the PC:

  • the shutdown occurs almost immediately, after loading the OS (at the same time, “slowdowns” and “freezes” are felt at first) - the most likely reason is a malfunction of the central processor cooling system;
  • the computer works fine until it receives some significant load - insufficient cooling of the CPU or video card;
  • work is possible as long as there is no serious load on the graphics part (any three-dimensional game) - insufficient cooling of the graphics processor.

When you use the software tools to determine the elevated temperature, there is no possibility, and the BIOS displays quite adequate values ​​\u200b\u200b(because there is no load in this mode), then you just need to conduct a visual inspection and preventive maintenance of the cooling systems.

First of all, you need to make sure that the cooling systems are securely fixed in their places, and the fans on them (if any) rotate without extraneous sounds and effort. When the fan is noisy or difficult to rotate, it should be replaced.

CO prevention is performed as follows (quite simply):

  1. the cooling systems are dismantled from the processor and video card;
  2. cleaning (purging, washing) of radiators from pollution and dust is carried out;
  3. the contact surfaces of the radiators are cleaned from the layer of the old thermal interface (often they say - thermal paste);
  4. contact surfaces on the GPU and CPU are cleaned;
  5. a thin layer of fresh thermal paste is applied to the processors;
  6. CO are mounted back.

However, there are cases when prevention does not help (or the computer is completely new). In this case, it is possible that the cooling system simply does not cope with the task, because. it lacks performance. This can be either an incorrect calculation during production, or a loss of efficiency due to wear.

Therefore, a more subtle approach is needed, which is also useful in case of one-time malfunctions that have not yet “resulted” into a serious problem. In addition, such control will help prevent problems from arising.

>Video: Computer shuts down

The temperature is too high, we find out the values ​​​​in AIDA

All major PC systems are equipped with built-in monitoring and self-diagnosis components. So the central processor, video card and chipset are equipped with temperature sensors. Their readings can be seen in the BIOS, or you can use special programs in the OS environment.

One of the most common programs of this kind (as well as many other useful features) is AIDA. That's why we use it. It does not require installation - just download, and you can immediately run. You need to download the appropriate version of the program. If you have a 64-bit version of the OS (the majority of them are now), then the program also needs AIDA64.

The launch itself is carried out by double-clicking on the program's executable file (aida64.exe or aida.exe, respectively, for the 64-bit and 32-bit versions). After starting, in the left part of the program window (titled "Menu"), you must select the "Sensors" item, after which the readings of all temperature sensors available in the system will be displayed on the right. It is useful to check the temperature readings when running resource-intensive applications, because. under load they increase.

The temperature should not (ideally) exceed 70 degrees Celsius. However, many powerful solutions allow the crystal to be heated up to 100 degrees. However, the lower the temperature, the better. When it approaches a critical point, the conclusion is clear - the cooling system of the corresponding component cannot cope.

It turns off after a while, what to do ...

Let's analyze - by what algorithm to determine a malfunction of this kind:

  1. checking the PC power button - if it is faulty, then we eliminate it;
  2. visual inspection of the components of the cooling systems - in the presence of severe contamination, we carry out preventive measures;
  3. we control the input voltage of the network and perform diagnostics of the PSU;
  4. we check the software component - we load the OS from a specially prepared external media and look for malware;
  5. we control the temperature of the main components during operation using the AIDA software product - we eliminate the identified inconsistencies.

In order to perform all the above operations, you must have at least minimal knowledge of the structure of the PC. If it was not possible to fix the problem (which is unlikely), then you should contact the specialists. Although you can replace the entire PC, which is also an option.

As a result, the main part of the emerging problems with spontaneous shutdown, according to statistical data, is considered. In 99% of cases, the problems are just such, relatively simple reasons. Eliminating them is also not difficult.
However, other kinds of malfunctions are also possible, with similar symptoms, for example, unstable operation of the current converter on the motherboard (this is also true for a video card). In this case, you can either replace the main component, or contact the service center.

More than sure, my blog is not the first place where you are looking for the answer to the question "why does the computer turn off." I hope this is the last place where you are looking for a possible cause and how to fix it.

Recently, I also encountered such a mystery, reviewed hundreds of sites, and their main problem is that they put emphasis on one thing. Someone writes that the matter is in the PSU, others insist on cleaning the computer. Yes, indeed, because of this, the PC may turn off, but there are still a lot of reasons that I will write everything in this post, and you can independently carry out diagnostics at home.

Dust, capacitors, thermal paste

I decided to combine 3 problems in one place, for the reason that in any of the cases it is necessary to disassemble the system unit, why not do it all at once. In addition, if this is not the case, it will never be superfluous to clean the PC, check the capacitors and change the thermal paste. I generally recommend doing this twice a year.

Turns off due to dust

The first time I encountered such a problem many years ago. It was my first computer, I played on it and nothing more. After 2 years, the PC began to turn off for no reason, you turn it on, it works a little and turns off. I took it to a service center, they laughed, cleaned it, and said that the computer is the second vacuum cleaner in the house. Since then, I have not run this moment, and have not encountered such a problem again.

How to clean your computer from dust

I do this as follows: I open the cover of the system unit, take it out to the balcony, put the vacuum cleaner on blowing. So we blow for a couple of minutes and everything will be like from the store. Here is another good video I saw on YouTube, I recommend watching it:

Apply thermal paste

Personally, in my experience, it was such that the computer turned off due to a large layer of thermal paste, so you need to apply it correctly. I recommend buying a disposable tube / bag, squeezing out quite a bit of watery liquid from it until a normal paste comes out (it resembles toothpaste in consistency). After that, drip directly onto the center of the processor and rub. It is best to do this not with bare hands, but wrap a disposable bag around your finger.

Perhaps it will be better and easier if I show you in the video how to apply thermal paste correctly:

Checking capacitors

Take this very seriously, because due to faulty and swollen capacitors, your motherboard and its components can burn out. To check and find swollen capacitors, disassemble the computer and carefully inspect all capacitors (they look like a barrel), an example of a bad capacitor:

Also, in addition to the motherboard, you need to check the capacitors in the power supply. Take it apart and inspect it very carefully.

If you find swollen capacitors, replace them or take them to the service center and let them solder new ones to you.

Turns off due to overheating

Your computer turns off automatically when it reaches a critical temperature (70-80 degrees). This is necessary so that the motherboard does not burn out. Despite the fact that this is an emergency shutdown, if you constantly turn on the computer over and over again, then your components may burn out. Personally, my video card burned out like that.

How to check cpu temperature

You can find out the processor temperature in 2 ways: 1 - in the BIOS, 2 - using a special program. To begin with, let's figure out when your computer turns off: under load (in games and when watching videos) or even without load? If under load, we will test with the help of programs, even if at idle, then you can also look in the BIOS.

Check temperature in BIOS

First you need to get into it. Reboot your PC and press "Delete" or "F1" depending on your motherboard. Now you need to find the "Hardware Monitor" tab

Where "CPU Temperature" is the temperature of your processor and it should not rise to 70 degrees Celsius. Leave this tab for a while and do not touch the computer. If within 10-15 minutes the temperature rises more than 60 degrees, then your processor is not working.

It is possible that you have problems with cooling, change the thermal paste and look at the CPU fan with the computer turned on (it should rotate).

Also, in the screenshot above, pay attention to line 3, where “CPU Fan Speed” is the rotation speed of your cooler. It should be at least 1000, and preferably 2000 for proper cooling.

Temperature monitoring software

If the computer turns off from overheating only in games (under load), then testing in BIOS is not suitable for us.

Download the free CPUID HWMonitor program from the official website https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor-pro.html

Install and run the utility. Now you can check the temperature:

Close the program and start the game. After you turn off your computer, let it cool down and turn it on. In the folder with the program, you will have a text file in which there will be a report - open it and look at what temperature the computer turned off.

You can treat with the help of a new cooling system, additional coolers, and be sure not to forget to change the thermal paste. This applies not only to the processor, but also to the video card.

RAM problems

It happens when the RAM fails, this failure is typical - the computer freezes when copying, shutting down and starting programs. Determining if the RAM is working properly is quite simple:

Windows 7-10 - open start and paste -mdsched then hit enter. Next, click "restart your computer" and wait for the result (10-20 minutes).

After the verification is completed, you will have one of two things, either errors will appear or there will be a “no errors found” notification.

You know, I end most of the entries with the phrase:

In such a not cunning way, we saved money and didn’t take anything anywhere!

So, in this case, I myself recently prefer to take the computer for diagnostics. As experience shows, if the computer turns off by itself, this is not a mystery for a couple of hours and you have to tinker. It’s good if something is banal, but there are such cases when, for example, the cable has dried up or the contact has broken off somewhere, the PSU has played up, etc. and this is not so easy to see at first glance.

I think it's better to leave a couple of dollars in the SC and spend time rationally. You will rest and people will have work).

Why does the computer turn off by itself

Often, a computer that worked normally before suddenly starts to turn off spontaneously. Determining why the computer turns off by itself is not so simple. But to eliminate such problems, when their cause has already been identified, is within the power of almost any user who has minimal knowledge of the hardware of the device and the principles of software operation. It is the causes of this phenomenon and the methods for their detection that will be discussed below.

There are several main reasons why a computer may turn off spontaneously:

Overheating of PC components

If spontaneous shutdowns begin some time after the start of work, the problem is most likely related to overheating of certain PC components. The most common causes of a malfunction in this case may be faulty cooling fans or a layer of dust on the radiators.

You should pay attention to when exactly the computer turns off:

  • Shortly after loading the operating system, the shutdown is preceded by short, short system freezes - most likely, the central processor is overheating;
  • After receiving a serious load, for example, the simultaneous launch of several "heavy" applications - overheating of the processor or video card;
  • Problems with the cooling of the video card are the reason why the computer turns off during the game.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to visually inspect the computer hardware, followed by servicing all cooling systems and cleaning the PC. Severe pollution of radiators is not allowed, fans installed on top should rotate evenly, without jamming and sharp sounds.

Service is carried out in the following order:

  1. Expansion boards are dismantled;
  2. Power cables, hard and optical drives are disconnected from the system board, the board itself is removed from the case;
  3. The existing cooling systems are dismantled;
  4. The radiators are cleaned of dust and dirt, this operation is convenient to carry out with the fan removed using a paint brush of small width (20 - 30 mm), it will be useful to brush off the dust from the entire surface of the motherboard along the way;
  5. Contact surfaces on radiators, central and video processors are cleaned of old heat-resistant paste, followed by a fresh layer;
  6. Faulty or sticking fans are replaced with new ones;
  7. All systems are installed in the reverse order.

Important: It often happens that there is simply nothing to replace a malfunctioning fan. In this case, you can try to "reanimate" the old one. To do this, it is enough to remove the sticker or pull out the rubber plug from its reverse side and drip 2-3 drops of machine oil into the opened hole, while scrolling the blades with your hand. Then put the cork in place or seal the hole with adhesive tape (it is better not to use the old sticker) and install the fan in place.

Malfunctions of the electrical network and PC power supply

Often, especially in rural areas, the reason why the computer turns on and immediately turns off is the mains voltage. This is easy enough to check using a simple Chinese multimeter. The rated voltage of the network is 220 volts, the PC power supply must remain operational in the range from 200 to 240 volts. If the readings of the measuring device are outside the specified range, you should either contact the management company (as an option: a familiar electrician), or get a good voltage stabilizer.

Another common variant of problems with the power grid can be malfunctions of the house wiring, for example, burnt sockets or twists in junction boxes. It is worth paying attention to whether computer shutdowns coincide with the moments when powerful consumers of electricity are turned on / off: an electric heater, electric stove or kettle, refrigerator, etc. If such coincidences occur, you should inspect the home electrical wiring yourself or with the help of a specialist. This is especially important because malfunctions of this kind are fraught with much more serious consequences than problems with a computer.

The most common power supply problems are:

  • Overheating due to fan failure or severe pollution;
  • Failure of circuit elements (usually capacitors);
  • Overload caused by the installation of new devices, such as a powerful video card.

The easiest way to check if the problems lie in the power supply is by temporarily replacing it with a known-good and, preferably, more powerful one. If after this the spontaneous shutdowns have ceased, the following should be done:

  • Check the operability of the fan and, if necessary, replace it, or try to revive it, as described above;
  • Clean the internal elements of the block from dirt and dust. This can be done by removing the top cover and using the same narrow paint brush;
  • Inspect the capacitors installed on the board, swollen or with liquid drips under them, replace with new ones;
  • Disable recently installed devices: if the system is restored after this, the replacement of the PSU cannot be avoided - it is serviceable, but not designed for the increased power consumption.

If all these steps do not help, the power supply needs to be replaced or a qualified repair.

Important: When inspecting the PSU capacitors, you should also pay attention to the motherboard, especially the capacitors installed in the power supply circuits of the processor and video card.

Some more useful tips specifically for the situation when the computer turns off during the game:

Why does the computer turn off by itself,
without physical defects

Another reason why the computer turns itself off during operation may be viruses and other programs containing malicious code. There are hundreds of thousands of such programs, and the list continues to grow steadily. A little digressing from the topic of the article, we note that there are many ways to introduce viruses into the system. This can happen, for example, when downloading programs from the Internet or installing from pirated discs, when connecting removable media and mobile devices. Therefore, the presence of an anti-virus program today is an indispensable attribute of the system, moreover, the program itself and its signature databases must be updated regularly.

How to cure a computer infected with a virus

If, in search of the reasons why the computer turns off by itself, no defects in its hardware are found, it is necessary to diagnose for viruses. To do this, you will need a boot disk or USB flash drive ("flash drive") containing antivirus software. You can find the appropriate software and instructions for working with it on the website of any company that produces anti-virus software. Needless to say, this work should be done on a "clean" computer.

After creating a "healing" disk, you need to boot the infected computer from it. To do this, you will need to enable booting from a DVD-RW or USB drive in the BIOS. After downloading, you need to run the anti-virus program in the "check and clean viruses" mode. This process can take a considerable time, up to several tens of hours, depending on the capacity of the hard disk and the amount of information stored on it.

When you receive a message that the scan is complete, you should restart your computer. Most often, all the troubles end there. But, often, when system files are affected by an unrecoverable virus, the OS will not be able to boot and it will have to be reinstalled.

minor annoyances

Although the situations discussed above are quite simple, in practice it is often even simpler. For example, the on / off button may simply stick. on the front panel. In principle, it is from this button that you can start troubleshooting. To check it, you can turn it off and start the computer by jumping the corresponding contacts with a screwdriver. If it stops turning off, it remains only to replace the button.

If there is no desire to go to the store for a penny part, the button can be carefully disassembled by tearing off the caps of the small plastic rods that hold it together. Rinse the flexible metal plate inside it with alcohol or cologne, put everything back together and slightly melt the rest of the rods with a soldering iron. As a temporary option, instead of the power button, you can connect the Reset button. By the way, sticking this button causes spontaneous reboots.

Another interesting defect that the author of this article once encountered. Once, after two days of unsuccessful troubleshooting, when all the main components of the motherboard were checked using specialized equipment, it turned out that the problem was in the dynamics soldered into it. In its place was installed another, rudely pulled out of a cheap Chinese alarm clock that fell under the hot hand.

Another fairly common situation that repairmen often encounter is a computer installed in a narrow niche closed on all sides except the front. Sometimes, the role of such a niche is performed by a compartment for installing a system unit in a computer desk. What can you do, not all furniture makers understand computers. In this case, it can be quite difficult to prove to the owner that his desk needs to be improved by using physical force to remove a piece of fiberboard behind the computer and that the small gap there for interface and network cables is not enough for normal ventilation.

Given the above, it is better to use some kind of diagnostic utility, such as AIDA. The program does not require installation and is launched by clicking on the executable file. To control the temperature of the main components of the PC, you must select the "Sensors" item in the program menu and check their readings. At the same time, it is desirable to properly load the system by running one or more resource-intensive programs, for example, a virus scan. It is desirable that the sensor readings never exceed 70 °C. In some systems (most often AMD developers are guilty of this), processor temperatures up to 100 ° C are allowed, but this is undesirable. In any case, the readings of the sensors at 70 ° C or more are a reason to think about the state of the PC cooling system.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the phrase that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement is true not only for humans, but also for computers. Therefore, in order not to suffer over the question of why the computer turns off by itself, it is worth monitoring its condition from time to time. To do this, you can use the built-in BIOS tools that display readings from chipset and CPU temperature sensors. It should be borne in mind that these readings may be underestimated, because. when viewing the BIOS settings, the load on the processor will be minimal.

Andrian Nikolaev

For any user of a personal computer, the situation when the computer suddenly fails is always sad (although there is no reason to drink coffee or chat with a friend at work). Even yesterday, a properly working PC today categorically refuses to execute user commands or does not turn on at all. And sometimes such an unpleasant situation arises when the computer is turned on, the user has configured and has already begun his work, as after a while the monitor goes out and the computer turns off. What to do in this case and what is the reason for this "behavior" of the PC?

There can be quite a few reasons for failures. IT Pros know that one of the main reasons for a sudden computer shutdown can be a completely or partially defective power supply. Based on our experience, this particular malfunction is in the first place with such a problem. It is diagnosed by simply replacing the power supply with another known working PSU (power supply). In this case, it is better if the power of the new power supply is not lower than the power of the existing one. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that on the power supply used for diagnostics, the number and type of connectors correspond to the connectors on the old one. Otherwise, you may have to additionally look for adapters. In order to replace the power supply, it is necessary to open the system unit, in most cases, unscrew the two screws on the back of one of the side covers and slide this cover back. On the back of the system unit, the power supply is held by four screws, unscrew them and carefully pull out the wires going from the PSU to the devices. As a rule, one hour of uninterrupted operation will be enough to understand that the power supply is the true cause of problems in your computer.

Although problems with the power supply are the most common, diagnosing them at home (usually there are no problems with this in organizations) is often difficult due to the difficulties associated with finding a power supply for such a diagnosis. Therefore, first make sure that you have a working electrical outlet, surge protector or uninterruptible power supply. Check that you didn’t pull out any corny wire, the machine turned off, or you accidentally pressed the button on the surge protector. We have repeatedly encountered the fact that there is simply no voltage on the wire that goes to the system unit. A malfunction is another of the common reasons why a computer shuts down unexpectedly.

Turning off the computer after some time of operation may also be due to overheating of the processor or video card. The cooler responsible for cooling the processor may not work at full capacity due to the same "congestion" with dust, which prevents the normal outflow of heat, or because it has exhausted its working life and needs to be replaced with a new one. In any case, it is recommended to keep the equipment clean and be sure to thoroughly vacuum the inside of the system unit.

But sanitary methods to remove dust are unlikely to help if the motherboard (capacitors, etc.) fails. Here, expenses cannot be avoided, since this technical problem can be solved only by replacing faulty parts or repairing them in a service center. This malfunction is common, but you cannot independently determine it at home. You need to go to a service center.

Another common cause of problems is malfunctioning RAM sticks. Moreover, if there are malfunctions of this equipment, if the computer turns on, then its resources will not be enough for stable operation. The reasons for the failure of the RAM sticks can be different. Most often, if such problems arise, it will not be possible to solve them without replacing the memory strips with new ones. Therefore, for diagnostics, find a bar of the same type DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and change the bar in your computer to it.

Sometimes users do not consider it necessary to properly turn off the computer (command: Start - Shutdown), but turn it off simply by unplugging the cord from the outlet. This causes the operating system to crash and the PC stops working normally. Therefore, you do not need to spare time to properly shut down the computer.

In addition, viruses can become the cause of such a failure. In this case, it is already necessary to perform anti-virus disinfection of the computer or even a complete reinstallation of the operating system.