JavaScript is disabled. How to enable javascript in the browser - Instructions for all versions. What is javascript

Accordingly, most of the time you have to work with the browser. To make the possibilities of working in the program wider and all the content being viewed looks better, the developers are introducing some additional elements. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to enable or disable JavaScript in your browser, as well as what it is and how it can affect your browsing experience. Let's figure it out. Go!

JavaScript is a browser-based programming language that allows websites to look better and be more functional. Find out how to activate it in a specific browser later in the article.

Having launched Chrome, click on the icon at the top right in the form of three horizontal stripes to open the menu. Then select Settings. In the window that appears, click “Show advanced settings.” Next, in the personal data section, go to content settings. Then enable JavaScript on all sites.

Internet Explorer

Open Internet Options on your computer or go there through the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Other” button. In the Security Settings tab, enable active scripting and scripting of Java applications.


Go to the Opera quick settings menu. A list will open in front of you, in which you will need to check the box “Enable JavaScript”.

Mozilla Firefox

While in the program, go to the tool window. In the list that opens, click on “Settings”. On the “Content” tab, check the box next to the “Use JavaScript” line. Please note that newer versions of Mozilla do not need to enable this feature as it is enabled by default. To disable, write “about:config” in the address bar (without quotes). In the search field write "javascript.enabled". Having marked the lines with the “default” state, click on the “Switch” button.

Yandex browser

Since it is developed on the basis of Chrome, everything here is done in a similar way. By clicking on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines, go to settings. Then click on “Show advanced settings”. Under Privacy, go to Content Settings. Allow or disable JavaScript depending on what you want to do: turn it on or off.

Disabling is done in the same way as enabling for each specific browser. The only difference is that you will need to remove the bird (dot) from the corresponding point.

Now you will know exactly how to enable or disable JavaScript in any browser. This will allow you to customize the appearance of pages, making them more functional or more secure, depending on your preferences. Write in the comments whether the article was useful to you and ask if you have any questions on the topic.

Javascript (or JS for short) has previously been used as a means to add interactivity to web pages, as well as to add additional formatting to the page and its elements that is difficult or impossible to do with the power of html and CSS. Currently, this language is used to create full-fledged web applications that can run on website pages.

The information below - in this article - is provided for informational purposes only! Neither its author nor the administration of our site bear any responsibility for its use or misunderstanding. The solutions discussed in this article may destabilize or completely disrupt the functioning of some sites and browsers.

That is, it seems that the use of javascript is intended to improve the lives of both developers and users. However, apparently, there is no good without a silver lining. In this case, it, this “bad” thing, manifests itself through the abuse by some developers of various kinds of javascript technologies. As a result, we can come across pages that literally follow the user’s every step. Pages that can periodically show the user “interesting” (from the developers’ point of view, of course) messages, etc.

That's why sometimes people try to disable javascript on some sites.

To be honest, I, the author of this article, once became completely fed up with the overly “intelligent” stupid development of the pages of some sites. Which, instead of really helping the reader become familiar with the contents of their pages and somehow interest them, sometimes, on the contrary, they make ALL(!) efforts to force the reader to leave them, as soon as possible. There are different “flashing lights”, and “carousels” (taking up almost the browser canvas), and pop-up forms about “free” consultations, etc., etc. But sometimes on such sites there is still useful information. Yes, occasionally, but it happens. Therefore, there is a reasonable, legitimate desire to turn off all this flickering garbage.

However, if you do this BEFORE loading pages into the browser, some sites may not display correctly, or even not display at all. This is due to the fact that, often, the content of pages is loaded into the browser using javascript. It is also often used to implement adaptive layout (which allows high-quality display of page content regardless of the specific type of device through which viewing is performed, and also regardless of the actual resolution of its screen). Often, JS is used to perform additional formatting of page content (margins, font color, pictures, arrangement of elements relative to each other, etc.).

However, about the “quality” of display of pages made within the framework of adaptive layout. Often, ready-made ones are used. not always successful, javascript-based templates that enterprising webmasters simply fill with content - and that’s all. Or done in such a way that... Moreover, this applies not so much to small private blogs, but to companies, sometimes large ones.

So, sometimes, you simply don’t want to look at pages made using “adaptive layout”. But this is just a passing remark; we’ll talk about adaptive layout some other time.

Therefore, a good solution would be to first let the page load, and then disable javascript so as not to interfere.

True, of course, part of the site’s functionality may be inaccessible. For example, it will not be possible to use the site search, it will not be possible to open drop-down menus (if they are implemented not in pure html+CSS, but using javascript), or send a message to the feedback form; Mouse-over effects on the corresponding elements may not work, etc.

But nonetheless. Sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly disable JS (so that, we repeat, some “modern technologies” do not interfere) and view the site page.

The question arises: how to do this?

Let's consider possible ways.

1. Disable javascript on all sites without exception

Of course, this is done differently in different browsers.

Previously, the Firefox browser had such an opportunity - there was a corresponding button. By clicking on it, it was possible to easily block javascript functionality - in relation to a specific page. However, unfortunately, starting from version 23, this feature was removed from this browser; now it is implemented through the settings. Let's look at how this is implemented using the example of the Firefox 24 browser and subsequent versions.

We go to the settings by writing in the address bar of the browser:


by the way, no space(!)

A window will appear saying that you should be careful, otherwise the functionality of the browser may be impaired. Agreeing with what was written and, in fact, promising ourselves to be careful, by pressing the “I promise I’ll be careful!” button, we get to the Firefox settings page. There are... several hundred of these settings, probably. In this case, we naturally need only one:


How can I find her there?

This property can be entered (pasted via the clipboard by pressing Ctrl + C on the keyboard) into the search bar - and then the browser itself will find all the lines in the settings that contain it.

We see that the value of this property is set to true (i.e. javascript can work).

Double-click on the true value, after which it will change to false and become selected. In addition, an inscription will appear on the left that it is “installed by the user”). The inscription will also be highlighted, i.e. in bold.

After this, all newly loaded pages will not execute the javascript they contain. However, we emphasize that they are only AGAIN downloadable. Whereas it will not go anywhere from pages already loaded in the browser.

For example, Rambler mail will work as if nothing had happened, as well as other sites.

But if you try to load the page with Rambler mail again, it will inform you: javascript is disabled in your browser, without it, mail operation is impossible. You will have to connect javascript again, only after that you will be able to access your mail. Similar methods for disabling JS for other browsers are described.

I must say that this method is the simplest, but it is inconvenient, however. Every time you have to go to the about:config page and then enable or disable javascript. In addition, if it is disabled, the page will be generated without taking into account its technologies (that is, the layout may be disrupted, and in some cases, the page itself will not be loaded). Opening a website page in a text version often looks unattractive and inconvenient.

By the way, why? Because nowadays quite a lot of developers do not want to “mess with” CSS, preferring universal javscript. Even more precisely: a HUGE number of different libraries and frameworks are written on it. Many “developers”, not wanting to “waste time” on manual optimization of (templates) pages, use these frameworks. Yes, sometimes the quality of design suffers, the pages can be somehow miserable, dull, uncomfortable... but who really cares about that? But somehow it works, something is visible on the page and, most importantly, it’s done quickly. Well, something “spectacular” (according to those who gave the task to the developers) appears, flashes and spins.

And some sites (like the already mentioned Rambler mail) will simply not work.

2. Temporarily disabling javascript using plugins

This makes it possible to disable javascript - optionally - only on those pages that force it (i.e. selectively, at the request of the user).

Plugins such as JS Switch, Noscript serve this purpose. In my opinion, the best of them seems to be JS Switch. Yes, it allows you to temporarily disable javascript on a website page, and then, when you really need it, enable it again. Well, it's convenient. Those. It is possible to save exactly the format of the web page that was formed, including using javascript. Those. You can only take advantage of its benefits, and then calmly turn it off.

True, unfortunately, it disables only those JS scripts that are written in the text of the page itself. Whereas loaded scripts, using lines like

For some reason they don't turn off, they still work. Those. The functionality of this plugin turns out to be somewhat half-hearted.

By the way, this plugin even has some settings that allow you to analyze the work of JS. True, in my opinion, FireBug is still more convenient and functional.

3. Disable javascript using bookmarklet

This is an easy way to disable JS. And, by the way, it’s safe: you don’t have to embed into the browser plugins NOT developed by YOU, which may work according to “strange” principles and algorithms.

What is a bookmarklet?

This (English bookmarklet; bookmark - “bookmark” and applet - “applet”) is a small JavaScript program, formatted as a javascript: URL and saved as a browser bookmark.

Typically, a bookmark is used to open the corresponding page of the site by clicking on it. Whereas a bookmarklet is a special bookmark: instead of following the link specified in it, it executes the javascript code written in it.

Yes, truly, javascript is kicked out by javascript and disabled.

For this purpose, the bookmarklet, instead of the URL, contains a function and the so-called javascript pseudo-protocol: . However, rather than talk about this, let’s immediately look at a working example of a bookmarklet:

javascript:( function (){var%20html = document. getElementsByTagName("html" )[ 0 ]. outerHTML; html=html. replace(/