VKontakte statistics - how to find out how many messages are in a VK dialogue. Analytics in VK: drawing conclusions Conversation statistics in VK online

Good afternoon
Today we will talk about VKontakte again, but this time about how to view message statistics on VKontakte.

So, VKontakte correspondence statistics can be found out as follows:

It is worth noting that if you just go to Private messages then the page vkontakte.ru/mail will open, and we need vkontakte.ru/mail .php, otherwise the script simply won’t work.

ATTENTION! 03/30/2013 a plugin for Chrome appeared! Now it's much easier to find out statistics! You can install it through a standard store. Here is the link .

ATTENTION!ATTENTION! 08/01/2014 the plugin for Chrome has been updated! You can install it through a standard store. Here is the link .

Here are screenshots of how you can find out statistics of personal correspondence on VKontakte:

To build a graph, you need to check the boxes, as shown in the first screenshot. Then you need to select three people, and a link will appear at the top; by clicking on it, you will see a graph (fourth screenshot).

If something doesn’t work, check for a new version of the script, since I reviewed script version 4.2 (update from 10/11/11, version 4.3.1).
If it still doesn’t work, change your browser to Chrome.

  • Make sure that the inserted line starts with “javascript:” and ends with “.appendChild(a)))();”
  • If you have Google Chrome, javascript: will be erased, which needs to be added. If Mozilla Firefox, then you need to use the console. If it's Opera, it's nice to listen to. If it's Internet Explorer, then it's your own fault. If Safari, then it works.

There are problems that users encounter everywhere, and there are less common, but no less interesting tasks. The question “how to find out how many messages are in a VK dialogue” came across to us only a couple of times, but for us every reader is important and valuable, and therefore we have prepared detailed material on this topic.

Safe method

There are several ways to find out the number of messages in a dialogue on VK, but this does not involve transferring the login/password to third-party services - the messages.getHistory method. The service is part of the social network, so you do not risk anything.

To find out how many messages are in a conversation, you will need:

  1. Open the social network page in your browser and log in (for the service to work correctly).
  2. Open https://vk.com/dev/messages.getHistory.
  3. Scroll page to block "Example request."
  4. Clear the count field.
  5. You must enter your account in the user_id field.
  6. In the peer_id field you must enter the ID of a specific conversation. To find out, you need to open the desired dialog and look in the address bar of the browser: the numbers after “sel=” will be peer_id. If there are more than two people in a conversation (group conversation), then 2000000000 must be added to the number from the address bar.
  7. Click on the “Run” button.
  8. In the window on the right you need to find the number next to the word count - this will be the number of messages read in the conversation. If there are unread entries in the dialog, they are counted separately and displayed after the word unread.

The messages.getHistory method allows you to easily and safely count the number of messages in a conversation in Contact, but deleted messages are not taken into account.

Simple Arithmetic

Another official way to check how many VK messages are in a dialogue is by counting. Don't be afraid, you don't have to count each message with your finger, as there is a little trick. To find out how many messages are in a conversation, you will need:

  • On your phone, open the social network page in your mobile browser and log in.
  • Open your browser settings and check the “PC Version” box.
  • Open the desired conversation.
  • There will be a page counter at the bottom; you need to scroll to the last page (you can use the double arrow for this).
  • Now you need to subtract 1 from the total number of pages (to find out the number of complete pages), and multiply the resulting figure by 20 (the number of messages on a completed page). Now all that remains is to add the number of messages on the last page to the final figure - they are not difficult to count manually.

VK Messages Visual Statistics extension

An extension is available for the Chrome browser as VK Messages Visual Statistics, the latest version of which is best downloaded from the official VK group https://vk.com/vkstats.

After downloading and installing you will need:

  1. Click on the icon that appears on the top bar of the browser.
  2. A new page will open in the browser, where you need to log in and give several permissions. We warn our readers that this extension is unofficial, so there are risks (albeit small) that third parties will find out your login/password.
  3. After authorization, the service will begin analytics and, based on the results, display a picture with photographs of you and your friends/interlocutors; animated tracks of dots will help you find out with whom you communicate most often.
  4. However, this is only an approximate picture; to see exactly how many messages are in dialogues on VK, you need to find it at the top and click on the “Statistics” button.
  5. In the window that opens, you can view statistics of correspondence with individual users in numbers, charts or graphs.

Of course, you can either find out the number of messages in a dialogue on VK or monitor statistics on an ongoing basis, but you need to be prepared for interruptions in the operation of the extension. This is due to the fact that third-party developers are working on the extension and, as a rule, they need time to adapt to the next changes in the API.

Mobile application TopChatWords

Another option for finding out how many messages are in a dialogue with a person on VKontakte is a specialized mobile application for phones running Android OS. To work with it you will need:

  1. Find an application such as TopChatWords on GooglePlay and install it.
  2. Open the application.
  3. Log in: you can either enter your social network login/password manually or log in through the official application. Please note that without this data you will not be able to log in. Therefore, be sure to remember your login before trying to log in.
  4. Grant the requested permissions.
  5. In the application menu, select the desired dialogue, tap on it and confirm your decision by clicking on the “Start” button.

This will allow you to count how many messages are in the VKontakte dialogue, how many of them are received, and how many are sent. In addition, you can find out which words appeared most often in your dialogue, as well as the date of the first message.


The APIdog.ru website is a controversial way to find out how many messages are in a chat

Most regular users know what APIdog is - it is a very popular unofficial service that runs on the VK API. It provides users with slightly more functionality than the official version, so many turn a blind eye to the risks. If the task is to see how many messages there are with one person in VK, then many prefer to do this using APIdog. To do this you will need:

  • Open the website https://apidog.ru/auth.php.
  • Enter your login and password for the social network.

It should be noted that statistics obtained by different methods may differ slightly.

Now you know several ways to check how many messages in VK there are in a dialogue; you can choose either the official option or use services from third-party developers - the choice is yours.

Today we will tell you how you can view and find out your statistics of personal messages and dialogues on the social network in VK. You will learn to find and identify the people with whom you correspond the most.

How rightly none of us even thought about how many messages he wrote on VKontakte during his life. Sometimes these numbers are surprising, and sometimes they are horrifying because of how much time in our lives we have spent on the Internet.

How to view VKontakte message statistics

VKontakte is a popular Russian social network that is becoming more and more popular every year. Unfortunately, no matter how multifunctional virtual network VK was, it does not have the “message analysis” function that will be discussed today.

There are three easy ways to find out who you communicate with the most and find out the statistics of your messages

  • Mobile phone applications
  • Browser Add-ons
  • Browser extensions

Which method to use is up to you. But we strongly do not recommend that you download third-party programs onto your computer, as in most cases they come with viruses.

Mobile applications

There is good news for Android smartphone users. There are a huge number of different applications on the Internet for reading messages, etc. One of the most popular and popular programs for reading statistics of personal messages on VKontakte is “Wnutter 2.0”.


Download this program and wait until it is installed on your phone. After that, simply log into Wnutter and check your message statistics to your heart's content.

Statistics of messages via computer

Now we will talk about how to view the statistics of VKontakte messages e via computer. In general, there are a huge number of programs and browser add-ons on the Internet that will help you analyze messages, but not all of them are trusted by experienced users.

“VK Messages Visual Statistics” is a special add-on for computer browsers. This program takes up very little space and contains many important functions.


In order to download this add-on, just type this name into a search engine. Go to the official website and click on “Install”.

Wait until the program is installed on your computer, then confirm your action and go to your page.

Find the “Statistics” section and click on it. A small window will appear in front of you, thanks to which you can see the analysis of messages not only for the past week, month, but even a year.

Message statistics via Opera

If you didn’t succeed with either the first or the second option, we recommend using the third, thanks to which it will become clear how to view the statistics of VK messages.

Thanks to all these steps, you will be able to view the statistics of personal messages without any problems.

There are several methods to view message statistics. This article discusses in detail the simplest and most reliable one. How to count the number of letters in correspondence with a person. This cannot be done on a regular network. Open the mobile version via your computer using the link. This resource will take you to a page with conversations.

To find your interlocutor, use the “Search” service, which is located at the top of the window.

After which the last page of the dialogue will open with its numbering.

Calculation example

The number of posts will depend on the number of pages. If the number of the last sheet of correspondence is 480, and each of them contains 20 letters, except one.

To find out the number of messages, you need to multiply the total number of pages, excluding incomplete pages, by 20 and add the figure from the last page to the result.

The result is this:

  • 479*20+15 = 9595.

The number is decent. It happens that interlocutors have no idea how many words they typed to each other during the entire conversation. If you are interested in several correspondences, you will have to view each one in turn. Dialogues take place with a community representative, who often writes on behalf of the group. Therefore, the necessary correspondence can be found both by user name and by community name.

If unwanted messages pop up, get rid of them as follows:

  • The required line is highlighted
  • Icons with functions appear,
  • The task to delete is selected.

The VKontakte service provides good platforms for communication - communities. Groups are created for different purposes. For example, where people help with questions about the operation of a social network.

There you can find the necessary information.

There are also special applications and extensions for viewing communication statistics. just for this. However, this method is hardly safe, since during installation they ask for personal information.

Remove the unwanted extension in its settings by clicking on the function of the same name.

Sometimes they offer to find out the number of letters by deleting the correspondence history. But this is not true. If you try to clear the history from the mobile version and from the computer, you will erase the dialogue, but the number of messages will not be displayed.

Why find out

It seems that message statistics are useless information. However, there are reasons for everything:

  • Romantic aspect in a relationship with a loved one;
  • Comparative moment, with which friend the communication is more active;
  • Curiosity.

To a certain extent, these are checks for personal interests. And also to understand for yourself how close or sociable you are with various interlocutors.

Lately we have often been asked whether it is possible to count the number of messages on VKontakte. At first we thought: “That’s strange, why might this be needed?”, but then we decided to look into this issue, find a way and present it to you, dear readers.

Why count VK messages?

Suppose you asked yourself the question: “Who is my best friend - Sasha or Zhenya? Who do I communicate with more?” Why not, in this case, quickly count the messages on social networks and draw the appropriate conclusions?

Maybe you want to count how many messages your loved one has written to you? You can do this not just for interest, but also for a beautiful status. For example: “697 messages filled with love!” Well, or something like that, in that spirit.

Counting messages: two ways

We do not consider in this article a method in which you stupidly have to manually count messages in Contact. Agree, this would be very tedious. And in some cases it is simply impossible!

  1. You will need to open dialogues in the mobile version of the site, you can even do it through a computer rather than a smartphone. To do this, just follow this link: http://m.vk.com/mail;
  2. We open a conversation with the person we are interested in. Just left-click on the dialog;
  3. Now scroll down the page using your mouse wheel;
  4. At the very bottom you will see the page number "1, 2, 3...". You should click on the """ icon to go to the very last page in the dialogue with the person;
  5. There is very little left. Each page contains twenty messages. Is the hint clear? Just open the calculator on your smartphone or computer. Next, take the number of pages, subtract 1 and multiply the resulting number by 20. Then count the number of messages on the last page and add to the resulting number.
For clarity, and so that you understand everything accurately, let’s look at this method with an example. Pay attention to the image and the calculations below.

Example of counting the number of messages

  • As you can see, I have 2880 pages of messages in a VKontakte conversation with this user.
  • I subtract one and get 2879.
  • Now I need to multiply 2879 by 20. It turns out 57580. I remember this number.
  • I'm counting the number of messages on the last page! I have 16 of them there.
  • The last step remains: 16 from the previous point is added to the number that we memorized (57580). That's all. I have as many as 57,596 VKontakte messages with this user!
A little math won't hurt, right? Five simple steps that will allow you to count VKontakte messages. By the way, we once wrote another interesting article about... You will probably be interested to know this.

We promised to tell you about one more method, right? And we keep our word. Those who are not even good at basic mathematics can use it. On this page: vk.com/dev/messages.getHistory, in the block called “Request Example”, you can enter a person’s ID. There will be a special field called “user_id”. Or enter the chat number in the "chat_id" field. Click on the "Run" button and look at the second line after the word "count". There will be a number there, this is the number of messages.

However, it seems to us that the first method is somewhat more interesting and allows you to stretch your brain a little. Now you know how to count messages on the VKontakte social network. Good luck! Continue to monitor our website for updates.