Which player on Android reads ac3. Solving the problem: AC3 format is not supported by MX Player. Possible causes and solutions to the problem. Initial decoder check

Many users of mobile devices running the Android operating system consider the MX Player software player to be one of the best, since it is distinguished by its ease of interface and use, as well as high-quality sound and video parameters. But recently, when I try to play videos, I get an error saying that MX Player does not support the AC3 audio format. This confuses many people. However, this problem can be solved with one simple method, which will be discussed further. But first, a little background.

AC3 format is not supported by MX Player: why?

Initially, the player itself was positioned as a very convenient and simple means for playing most of the audio and video formats known today. However, starting from version 1.7.33, for completely unknown reasons, AC3 is not supported in MX Player. The message issued by the player explicitly states this. Sometimes, however, they also add advice about the need to use a custom codec.

Rumor has it that this situation is related to licensing. Apparently, the developers of the player itself have problems acquiring licenses for AC3, Dolby, DTS and MLP codecs. Whether this is actually true is unknown, but the fact, as they say, remains a fact. Many users are beginning to complain that such a good player for some unknown reason has lost support for this audio format and are quickly moving to other players like VLC Media Player. But, as practice shows, most of them soon return to the good old MX, although it already has the problem described.

However, despite the fact that MX Player does not support the AC3 format, you can fix the situation within five minutes, since the player still has the ability to install and use custom codecs and decoders. But first you need to check the basic settings.

Initial decoder check

So, AC3 MX Player is not supported. What to do? First of all, you need to open the player itself and enter the settings menu (options button in the upper right corner).

In the menu that appears, you need to select the “Decoder” line, scroll through the list to the very bottom and look at the item indicating the custom codec.

Typically this is ARMv7 NEON (although another option may be specified). Several modifications of the codec itself are available for different versions of MX Player. Typically Tegra 2, Tegra 3 and x86. Please note that for player versions 1.8.6 and higher, all similar codec modifications are marked with a “+” sign. However, if you determine the required codec in the player, it will be extremely difficult to make a mistake when loading.

Loading the missing codec

It is clear that since AC3 is not supported in MX Player, the codec needs to be downloaded. It is best to turn to foreign XDA Developer forums.

There you just need to find your modification of the decoder, and to download, use the button on the Direct Download link (if the codec needs to be downloaded directly to your mobile device). Please note that the file comes as a ZIP archive, but you do not need to extract it. You can also download it to your computer, and then copy it to your mobile device to any location convenient for you.

AC3 is not supported by MX Player on Android: initial setup

Now it is necessary for the player to “see” the loaded codec. Despite the fact that MX Player does not support AC3, the player itself can still recognize it.

Let's launch the player. In most cases, the application will report after a couple of seconds that a new codec has been found. After this, you need to set permission to use by clicking the “OK” button in the message. Then a warning will appear indicating that you need to restart the player. We agree, and after restarting the program (for the changes to take effect), you will be able to open your favorite videos with normal sound, as was originally intended.

Custom Setting

But a situation may arise when automatic detection of a new codec does not work (we are not talking about the reasons now, but this also happens), and the player will again display a notification that AC3 MX Player is not supported.

Don't be upset. You can manually tell the program where to save the downloaded file. If the download was made to a computer, and only then the file was copied to a phone or tablet, you should know exactly the location of the folder. In the case of a direct download, the downloaded archive will most likely be located in the Downloads directory on the internal drive, unless the path for the downloads folder has been changed by the user. The specified directory in the operating system for downloads is initially set by default, so there should not be any difficulties in finding the file. As a last resort, you can simply connect the device to the computer and search for the archive name in any file manager, after which you should remember the specified directory for saving the archive.

Now everything is simple: go to the settings, select the custom codec section, tap on it, and then go to the directory in which the archive is located and simply select this file.

Please note that there is a button to use the default codec a little lower. It is only needed to return the original settings without using a new specific codec. In principle, it is completely inappropriate to use it, since in most cases the sound disappears again. You understand that no one needs this.

Brief conclusions

Actually, we could have ended here if not for one “but”. It's about loading. You should not download the codec from unreliable or suspicious resources. It is recommended to refer specifically to the XDA Developer forums (there is definitely no danger there). Otherwise, as you can already see, there is nothing complicated about installing the codec. In most cases, the program detects it automatically. But even if such recognition does not occur, specifying the path to the file manually is also as easy as shelling pears.

By the way, after installing AC3, as practice shows, all the problems associated with using DTS disappear. Thus, using only one archive file, the user, as they say, kills two birds with one stone.

– a fairly high-quality video player. It has all the options you need, so you should start downloading it without fail. The application itself will be able to scan the device’s memory and display to you all the video files found. This is a very useful option that will be useful for any user. That is why a huge number of users prefer this program to others.

The controls are simple and intuitive, so even inexperienced users can figure it out. While watching video files, you can increase the volume or brightness of the video. These extremely useful options come in handy for users. This is what makes the application stand out from the rest. There is also the ability to switch audio tracks, which not all players can boast of.

Also, if you want to open a video manually, then in the main menu of the application you can go to the tab with the internal structure of your device. There you will quickly find the videos you need and can open them directly from there. This method is suitable for those who want to open something specific and therefore have arranged everything in catalogs in advance. Thanks to its functionality, this application copes well with the tasks assigned to it.

MX Player no longer supports AC3 audio format (like DTS), installing codecs from Google Play does not work. The reason is that the application developers lost the license for these formats and, starting with version MX Player 1.7.33, they were removed. Therefore, when playing many videos, the sound does not play, and the error “This audio format (AC3) is not supported” appears on the screen.

In this instruction we will tell you how to solve this problem and return sound to video.

How to enable AC3 support in MX Player: instructions

1. First of all, you need to find out which codec is needed for your device. So in MX Player, click on "Options" (3 dots in the top right corner) and select "Settings".

2. In the settings menu that appears, we are interested in the “Decoder” item. Open it.

3. Scroll to the bottom. The last item is “Custom Codec”. See what codec your device needs. In my case it is "ARMv7 NEON".

4. Now you need to download this same codec to your mobile device. To do this, go to this page: https://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=19112#downloads, find the required codec in the list and click on it - another page will open and click on the button there "Direct Download".

Place the downloaded ZIP archive into any folder on Android, there is no need to unzip it!

5. Now open MX Player. In most cases, the video player will immediately find the archive you downloaded and ask if you want to use it as a custom codec. Click OK.

6. In order for the changes to take effect and sound (AC3 and DTS) to appear, you need to restart MX Player, which the application will inform you about. Just click "OK".

MX Player will reboot. The video will now play with sound.

7. If, after downloading the archive with the codec, MX Player does not recognize it, go to the decoder settings again (“Options” → “Settings” → “Decoder”), go to the very bottom and open the last item in the list “Custom Codec”.

8. Specify the path to the downloaded codec on your device. If you downloaded it first to your computer and then transferred it to Android, you probably know the path to the file on the memory card. And if you downloaded an archive with a codec directly to your mobile device, you will most likely find it in the “Downloads” folder. This is what the path to the codec looks like for me.

9. Just click on the file, after which MX Player will reboot and AC3 audio format will be supported and sound will appear on the video.

There is also a “Use default codec” button at the bottom. Click it if you want to return the old settings.

I always considered MX Player to be the best video player and used it for a long time until one day I encountered an error: “This audio format (AC3) is not supported.” Then for some reason I didn’t bother to figure out what the reason was and just switched to VLC. I soon returned to MX Player, as I became very accustomed to its simplicity and convenience. In addition, it turned out that you only need to spend 5 minutes to solve the problem with sound playback.

The fact is that starting from version 1.7.33, the video player lost support for AC3, MLP, DTS and Dolby audio codecs. If I understand correctly, the developers have problems with the license for these formats. But thanks to the ability to install third-party codecs, users can independently return missing audio tracks to MX Player.

Returning AC3 support to MX Player: instructions

So, first you need to know which codec is suitable for your device. To do this, click on the “Options” button (3 dots in the upper right corner), open “Settings” and select “Decoder” from the menu.

Scroll down to Custom Codec.

For example, it fits my tablet ARMv7 NEON, I will need to download it.

Popular custom codecs are posted on the corresponding page of the famous foreign forum for geeks XDA-Developers: https://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=19112#downloads. Follow the link, select the one you need and on the page that opens, click on the “Direct Download” button.

Do not unzip the downloaded ZIP archive. Just place it in any Android folder.

Then open MX Player and the application will tell you that a new codec has been found. Give permission to use it (to do this, click "OK"), and then select "OK" again so that the application restarts and the changes take effect.

Now you can once again enjoy your favorite MX Player with AC3 support.

You can also switch to the desired codec manually. To do this, go to “Settings” → “Decoder”, go down to the “Custom codec” item and tap on it. Go to the folder where you downloaded the ZIP archive with the codec and select it.

By the way, below there is a button “Use default codec”. You will need it if you want to return the original settings.

Hello. Are you the happy owner of mobile gadgets “run” by the Android operating system? I’m sure you’re already familiar with the error “ac3 audio format is not supported by MX Player.” It appears in the most popular video player when it cannot play the encoded audio. The problem can be fixed very easily.

Let's say you wanted to watch a movie, video, or started an online broadcast of a channel through the above-mentioned player. Hurray, a picture has appeared! But where is the “music”? The answer is on the screen:

Let's not despair and blame the player developers for everything. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.


The problem is due to the lack of a specific audio codec. Now I’ll tell you how to install it.

  • Let's go to MX Player. On the right there is a “3 dots” icon, clicking on which opens the parameters. Select “Settings”, then go to the “Help” item. Now you need to view the information “About the program”, where the required version is stated:

In this case we need ARMv7 NEON, which supports AC3, but your tablet or smartphone may say something else. This doesn't change the essence.

There is a second way to find out the type of Codec.

  • Again, go to “Settings”:

  • There we see the line “Decoder”. Click on it:

  • A window will open with many options. Scroll to the end of the list until you see the “Custom Codec” element, which contains information about the required version:

Where and how to download?

Previously, it was possible to install directly from Google Play. Perhaps over time this option will become available again, give it a try.

In the meantime, I’ll tell you about another method:

  • Let's move on at the following link and see a list from which we select the required option. Click on the URL to open the download page. There will be one or two green buttons at the bottom. Click on “Direct...” and select a save location.
  • You can also use this source (the same XDA forum). In this case, we simply select the optimal Codec and download directly, without additional transitions.

Do not unpack the resulting archive.


To resolve the “this audio format is not supported by AC3” error, MX Player should be launched again. The program should automatically detect the update and prompt you to use this option. We agree by clicking “OK”:

Now be sure to restart the player so that the actions taken take effect. The application itself will ask you about this. We don't refuse.

You can try to play a video that was previously opened without sound. Well, is the defect fixed?

If the player does not “see” your archive, you will have to configure it manually.

To do this, go to “Settings” (see how to do this above) and go to “Decoder”. There we see the already familiar “Custom Codec” option.

It is worth specifying the path to the downloaded element. We simply find the folder with the desired object. Did you download it not through a PC, but on an Android gadget? You should look in the “Download” directory. Here's an example:

Just click on the file, and the problem “this AC3 audio format is not supported by Android” will be resolved. The music will start playing, life will be filled with colors!

Let me end this article on this positive note. The topic is covered, but if you have questions, be sure to leave comments. Perhaps you have any suggestions for future publications - write.

Sincerely, Victor!

Many owners of Android devices complain that after updating MX Player refuses to play audio and video files - the sound disappears. Just a week ago the video player was working fine, but now the message “This audio format (AC3) is not supported” appears on the device screen. Please use a custom codec." As we managed to find out, the problem arose due to changes that occurred in the licensing conditions of codecs - some of them became paid, and their support was removed from the functionality of free players. This happened with the AC3 codec. The most annoying thing is that you can’t download it from the market even for money - there is no separate paid version. But it is still possible to solve the problem and get MX Player to work normally.

Instructions for restoring support for AC3 MX Player:
1. Determine which codec is needed for your specific device. To do this, select the “Options” section in MX Player (click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen), then go to “Settings”.

2. In the settings window, select “Decoder”.

3. Scroll through the items in the window that opens to the very end - the bottom column should be called “Custom Codec”. Open it and remember, or better yet, write down the name of the codec required for your device (for example, ARMv7 NEON).

4. Next, you need to find the codec you need in the list, click on it and enable downloading by clicking the “Direct Download” button. The ZIP archive that you download to your device does not need to be unzipped - just place it in any folder.
5. Next, launch MX Player. If the player detects the downloaded file (this is usually the case), the screen will ask if you want to use the contents of the archive as a custom codec. Confirm this by clicking "OK".

6. The player will have to restart (the application itself will ask for a restart - just agree “OK”), after which the video materials should be played back with sound.

7. In some cases, the player cannot independently recognize the file with the codec archive, and you have to help MX Player find it. To do this, go again through the chain “Options” -> “Settings” -> “Decoder” -> “Custom codec” (the last item needs to be opened).
8. You need to specify the path to the codec. If the archive was downloaded directly to an Android device, it will be found in the “Downloads” folder. If you downloaded the archive on your PC and then transferred it to your smartphone or tablet, you probably know where it was placed. To specify the path to a file with a ZIP archive, just click on it.
9. The video player must reboot, after which there will be no problems with normal content playback.

Attention! If something doesn’t work out for you, you can always return the original settings by using the “Use default codec” button.

Many users of mobile devices running the Android operating system consider the MX Player software player to be one of the best, since it is distinguished by its ease of interface and use, as well as high-quality sound and video parameters. But recently, when I try to play videos, I get an error saying that MX Player does not support the AC3 audio format. This confuses many people. However, this problem can be solved with one simple method, which will be discussed further. But first, a little background.

AC3 format is not supported by MX Player: why?

Initially, the player itself was positioned as a very convenient and simple means for playing most of the audio and video formats known today. However, starting from version 1.7.33, for completely unknown reasons, AC3 is not supported in MX Player. The message issued by the player explicitly states this. Sometimes, however, they also add advice about the need to use a custom codec.

Rumor has it that this situation is related to licensing. Apparently, the developers of the player itself have problems acquiring licenses for AC3, Dolby, DTS and MLP codecs. Whether this is actually true is unknown, but the fact, as they say, remains a fact. Many users are beginning to complain that such a good player has inexplicably lost support for this audio format and are quickly moving to other players like VLC Media Player. But, as practice shows, most of them soon return to the good old MX, although it already has the problem described.

However, despite the fact that MX Player does not support the AC3 format, you can fix the situation within five minutes, since the player still has the ability to install and use custom codecs and decoders. But first you need to check the basic settings.

Initial decoder check

So, AC3 MX Player is not supported. What to do? First of all, you need to open the player itself and enter the settings menu (options button in the upper right corner).

In the menu that appears, you need to select the “Decoder” line, scroll through the list to the very bottom and look at the item indicating the custom codec.

Typically this is ARMv7 NEON (although another option may be specified). Several modifications of the codec itself are available for different versions of MX Player. Typically Tegra 2, Tegra 3 and x86. Please note that for player versions 1.8.6 and higher, all similar codec modifications are marked with a “+” sign. However, if you determine the required codec in the player, it will be extremely difficult to make a mistake when loading.

Loading the missing codec

It is clear that since AC3 is not supported in MX Player, the codec needs to be downloaded. It is best to turn to foreign XDA Developer forums.

There you just need to find your modification of the decoder, and to download, use the button on the Direct Download link (if the codec needs to be downloaded directly to your mobile device). Please note that the file comes as a ZIP archive, but you do not need to extract it. You can also download it to your computer, and then copy it to your mobile device to any location convenient for you.

AC3 is not supported by MX Player on Android: initial setup

Now it is necessary for the player to “see” the loaded codec. Despite the fact that MX Player does not support AC3, the player itself can still recognize it.

Let's launch the player. In most cases, the application will report after a couple of seconds that a new codec has been found. After this, you need to set permission to use by clicking the “OK” button in the message. Then a warning will appear indicating that you need to restart the player. We agree, and after restarting the program (for the changes to take effect), you will be able to open your favorite videos with normal sound, as was originally intended.

Custom Setting

But a situation may arise when automatic detection of a new codec does not work (we are not talking about the reasons now, but this also happens), and the player will again display a notification that AC3 MX Player is not supported.

Don't be upset. You can manually tell the program where to save the downloaded file. If the download was made to a computer, and only then the file was copied to a phone or tablet, you should know exactly the location of the folder. In the case of a direct download, the downloaded archive will most likely be located in the Downloads directory on the internal drive, unless the path for the downloads folder has been changed by the user. The specified directory in the operating system for downloads is initially set by default, so there should not be any difficulties in finding the file. As a last resort, you can simply connect the device to the computer and search for the archive name in any file manager, after which you should remember the specified directory for saving the archive.

Now everything is simple: go to the settings, select the custom codec section, tap on it, and then go to the directory in which the archive is located and simply select this file.

Please note that there is a button to use the default codec a little lower. It is only needed to return the original settings without using a new specific codec. In principle, it is completely inappropriate to use it, since in most cases the sound disappears again. You understand that no one needs this.

Brief conclusions

Actually, we could have ended here if not for one “but”. It's about loading. You should not download the codec from unreliable or suspicious resources. It is recommended to refer specifically to the XDA Developer forums (there is definitely no danger there). Otherwise, as you can already see, there is nothing complicated about installing the codec. In most cases, the program detects it automatically. But even if such recognition does not occur, specifying the path to the file manually is also as easy as shelling pears.

By the way, after installing AC3, as practice shows, all the problems associated with using DTS disappear. Thus, using only one archive file, the user, as they say, kills two birds with one stone.

No sound when watching a video? Install codecs for AC3!

Hello, site visitors, today I encountered a problem with sound playback when watching a movie on Android. That is, I open the movie through mx player, there is an image, but there is no sound, and this window pops up:

It turned out that there are no special codecs for sound, and we will share this with you today!

If, when opening a video or movie in MX Player, you are shown a message that AC3 audio format is not supported and there is no sound, and the video itself is playing, then you should install additional codecs.

Simple instructions for turning on sound in a video on Android

You must first exit the MX player and download codecs to the device, then restart the player, after which the following window should appear:

When I downloaded these codecs to my smart phone and re-opened the player, it itself suggested using custom codecs. - We agree and the steps listed below will not be needed at all!

But if for some reason the program did not see the new codecs, you need to specify them “manually” to the MX Player, for this:

1. open the player and click “Menu”:

2. Next, go to “Settings“:

3. Select “Decoder”:

4. Go to the very bottom and click ““.

In the MX Player program for Android, there is a problem with codecs due to which AC3 audio does not play on a phone or tablet. This video player supports AC3, you just need to download a special codec designed for your device and then the sound will appear.

There are many codecs themselves, and one that has a unique name is compatible with your Android device. This parameter can be viewed in the program settings. If installing codecs through the Play Market did not help and AC3 sound is not played, proceed to the second method.

How to install codec in MX Player

  1. open the player and go to “Settings”;
  2. in the next step select “Decoder”;
  3. under the “Custom codec” item there is a name, for example “ARMv7 NEON”;

Download the required codec for Android. The page will open, scroll down and click on the Direct Download button, the number of downloads indicates that the file is safe and you can use it. Unpacking the ZIP archive is not required, the main thing is to put the file in the Downloads folder on the device so that the program can find it.

We open MX Player and if the application detects the downloaded file, a message will appear asking us to confirm its use, click “OK”, and then restart the program. Otherwise, repeat the steps described above and manually specify the path to the downloaded ZIP archive.

By clicking on the “Up a level” button, the file manager built into the application will open the available folders on Android to which you could move the archive using a computer and a USB connection. Find this directory and point it to use in MX Player.

If you downloaded the wrong codec to play AC3, MX Player will notify you about this. The solution to the problem is to install an earlier version(you can find it at the link above). Or click on the “Use default codec” button to return everything as it was by resetting the settings.

In the process of writing this manual, the most likely problems that the user may encounter were described and their solutions were given. Now AC3 format sound in MX Player will be played on your Android device!

In addition, MX Player has a hardware acceleration function; videos can be played with subtitles, which is very convenient. In addition to the manual, I note that the number of player installations has exceeded one hundred million!