How to configure widgets in Yandex browser. Setting up widgets on the Yandex start page. Checking widget display

The latest versions of Yandex Browser do not have visual bookmarks. Some users were initially upset by this point. However, do not be upset, because the functions of widgets are performed by the Yandex Scoreboard browser.

What is Tableau

This panel appears if you open a new tab or place the cursor in the smart line. If the Yandex browser display does not work, then most likely there are problems in the browser, since it is a built-in element of the Internet browser. It consists of eight blocks. In addition, there are useful links here, including History, Bookmarks, Recently Closed Pages.

By default, widgets for various Yandex services are installed on Tableau, which is very convenient. For example, here you can view the weather, traffic jams, etc. Over time, the blocks will be filled with icons of the most visited web pages. If desired, the user will be able to pin in the panel those sites that he himself wants.

Scoreboard Settings

Despite the fact that the quick bookmarks bar is a very convenient tool, there are those who want to remove the tab in the Yandex browser. The Internet browser has settings that allow you to disable its appearance when you click on the Smart Line. To do this, you need to go to Settings. A page will open on which you need to find the block responsible for the appearance of the browser. Here we uncheck the box next to the item that suggests showing the panel when you click on the smart line. After this, you can make sure that your scoreboard has disappeared in the Yandex browser. More precisely, it will only appear when you open a new tab.

If the Yandex browser does not display the scoreboard, then you may have to. Most likely, this problem occurred as a result of a malware attack. There is also such a problem: for those who have a Yandex browser installed, the scoreboard does not synchronize. This may be due to an outdated browser version. You should check for updates to the application manually. You will learn how to do this.

We found out what to do if the scoreboard in the Yandex browser has disappeared. Now let's take a closer look at setting up this panel. In order to work with it, you need to open the editing mode. For this purpose, open the Table and click Settings. After that, you have the opportunity to attach, delete, and swap widgets. You can also change the city and region in services from Yandex.

It should be noted that the scoreboard settings in the Yandex browser are quite simple. To add a site, open the tool and click on the appropriate button. A window will appear in front of you in which you will be asked to enter the resource address. If you don't want to enter it manually, you can find it in the Recently Visited section. In addition, you will be offered the most popular resources, which include social networks, email services, etc. By the way, the widget can be configured to display information about receiving new messages. To do this, go to the scoreboard settings and activate the Informer option.

If you don’t have a scoreboard in the Yandex browser, then most likely you use . Although some believe that the version with a regular visual bookmarks bar was much better. Its advantage can only be noted that a large number of widgets could be attached. Tableau has a limit of 20 widgets. Despite this, it is quite convenient for work and may well be useful for various online activities, as you can see for yourself.

This note is dedicated to the use of the Yandex Tableau API for websites, or rather, it will be useful to website owners who want to create a special widget for their website for use in Yandex Browser and the “Visual Bookmarks” extension.

Many, of course, have seen what visual site bookmarks look like in Yandex Browser when the “New Tab” button is pressed. The visual bookmarks of some sites, such as Yandex, YouTube, GMail, look very nice, but most personal sites, and not only personal ones, look pretty poor. So, so that every novice webmaster can quickly and easily create a nice widget for their website, this note is published. Of course, there is documentation on the website, but many beginners are simply afraid or too lazy to read it. Following the instructions in this post, in just 4 steps we will create the simplest Tableau API widget for your personal website. So, let's go.

1. Create a logo image for the website widget

In any graphics editor, create a picture with a maximum width of 150 pixels and a maximum height of 60 pixels, with a transparent background, and save it in a file, which must be in PNG format, with the name ya-manifest.png.

2. Create a website widget Manifest file

Don't be alarmed, the widget manifest is a simple JSON text file. So, using any text editor, create the following file:

( "version": "1.0", "api_version": 1, "layout": ( "logo": "http://YOUR_DOMAIN/ya-manifest.png", "color": "#003C50", "show_title" : false ) )

and save it with the name ya-manifest.json. Just don’t forget to replace “YOUR_DOMAIN” with the domain of your site, and in the “color” field insert the color code for the background of your widget. In the “show_title” field, you can optionally set it to “true” if you want the widget to display the name of your site under the image, but if the “title” parameter, i.e. The title of your site itself is very long, so you shouldn’t do this, otherwise the widget will show the truncated title.

3. Upload the image-logo and manifest files to the site

Using FTP, upload both files you created, ya-manifest.png and ya-manifest.json, to the root directory of your site.

4. Add a link to the manifest in the header of the main page of the site

The link to your widget's manifest should be placed in a file that displays the title of your site's pages, especially the home page, inside a tag. For example, for sites powered by WordPress, the optimal solution would be to place a link in the header.php file of the current site theme. Its code will be like this:

It is important that the "href" parameter is set to the correct path to the manifest file you created, ya-manifest.json. On this actually creating a widget your site is complete.

Checking a widget in Yandex Browser

Open Yandex Browser and load the main page of your site in it. Then click on the “New Tab” button in Yandex.Browser and enjoy your widget displayed there, which any Yandex.Browser user can place in the Bookmarks Board.

The instructions given in this note for creating widgets for sites based on the Yandex Tableau API, of course, does not describe all the capabilities and settings of widgets, so those who want to use everything to the maximum can refer to the documentation at /tableau/doc/.

API Tableau - a website widget in visual bookmarks. The article discusses the process of its creation.

If you use Yandex Browser, visual bookmarks in Firefox, IE or Chrome, then you probably noticed that some sites have a feature, or rather several:

  1. Not all sites have the same logos and names. Some have no name and a larger logo.
  2. There is an informer for messages/friend requests/replies, etc.

For those who are lazy, in short - if you create a file with a description of the widget and specify it in the site template, then Yandex.Browser and Visual Bookmarks will display a bookmark on your site according to this description. Here's what I got:

I changed the background color, logo and displayed the rating informer for the user authorized in the browser. I set the rating for verification to 100, apparently, only two-digit numbers are reflected in the scoreboard, it’s a pity.

How to implement?

Create an empty file in Notepad (UTF-8 encoding) with the name manifest and the json extension. We indicate the manifest version and API version in this file:

("version": "1", "api_version": 1, )

Add settings for the appearance of the informer: link to the logo, background color, whether to show the site title

"layout": ( "logo": "http://site/bs/img/api-tableu-logo.png", "color": "#333333", "show_title": false )

Now the most interesting thing - we display the rating of the user who is authorized. We indicate the source of the uCoz API, the format of the data sent, and configure the notification. The notification consists of a title, an icon (you can specify your own links) and the location in XML of the rating value.

"feed": ( "url": "http://site/api/index/8", "format": "xml", "notifiers": [ ( "name": "username", "icon": " %BELL%", "path": "/methodResponse/params/param/value/struct/member/value/string/text()" ) ] )

Putting it all together:

( "version": "1", "api_version": 1, "layout": ( "logo": "http://site/bs/img/api-tableu-logo.png", "color": "# 333333", "show_title": false ), "feed": ( "url": "http://site/api/index/8", "format": "xml", "notifiers": [ ( "name" : "username", "icon": "%BELL%", "path": "/methodResponse/params/param/value/struct/member/value/string/text()" ) ] ) )

We upload this file to the site and include this file in the head of the site pages:

Don't forget to use the API on your site.

To see the result, you need to remove the site from your bookmarks and add it again.

Widget Solutions

Thanks to the uCoz API, there are a lot of possible solutions, the main thing to remember is that you can only display a number. What kind of numbers could these be?

  • ID, rating, rank, number of user awards
  • Number of user materials
  • Number of materials per day/month in news, blog modules
  • Number of online users
  • A full description of the API is available on uCoz.

    An example file can be downloaded here - . If you experience difficulties, write in the comments. Let's figure it out together.

    The Tableau opens - a panel with widgets for the sites you visit most often. By default, widgets for some Yandex services are installed on Tableau.

    To go to the desired site, click on its widget (it displays the logo and, if the widget does not open the main page of the site, the name of the page).

    Advice. To quickly open the desired widget on Tableau, use the following keyboard shortcuts:

      on Windows: press Ctrl + T and then Alt + 1, 2... .

      on macOS: press ⌘ + T and then Ctrl + 1, 2... .

    where 1, 2... are the numbers of widgets on the Tableau (from left to right and top to bottom).

    The set and sequence of widgets on the Tableau can be configured manually.

    Note. To resize the Tableau, right-click on any widget and select the command Tableau Size → Normal or Tableau Size → Enlarged. If you select the command Tableau size → Fit to browser window, then when the browser window is reduced, the size of the widgets will also change.

    Automatic selection of sites for Tableau

    During the installation process, the browser selects sites for the Tableau based on the history imported from other browsers - the sites that you opened most often appear on the Tableau. If you did not import history during installation, the Tableau displays a default set of sites.

    Yandex.Browser periodically updates widgets on Tableau that you have not pinned. Sites are added that you search for more often than others through the Smart Line or open through the Tableau.

    Sites manually removed from the Tableau will no longer be automatically added to it. To return such a site to Tableau, add it yourself.

    Adding widgets to Tableau

      Open Tableau.

      Under Tableau, click Add → Site.

      Specify the site you want to add to the Tableau widget. You can select a site from the Popular or Recently visited, and also enter its address manually.

    Limitation. You can place up to 20 widgets on the Tableau.

    Editing widgets

    To manage the Tableau content, go to editing mode:

    In edit mode you can:

    ","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["top","left"],"alt":"Delete widget" ,"coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","left"],"alt ":"Pin widget","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom"," right"],"alt":"Unpin widget","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction": ["top","right"],"alt":"Edit widget","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false)]))\">

    Add a signature and enter the site name.
    Additional editing options
    Change the site the widget links to Click the icon and enter the site address in the line under the Tableau.
    Add site name to widget Click the icon, then in the line under the Tableau, click the button Add a signature and enter the site name.
    Adjust the site name on the widget Click the icon, then correct the site name in the line under the Tableau.

    Folders with widgets on Tableau

    You can group widgets into folders. For example, by default, widgets with links to Yandex services are grouped into one folder.

    Create a folder with widgets Delete a folder with widgets

    Scoreboard Synchronization

    You may have different favorite sites on different devices, so the Tableau on devices is generated independently of each other.

    To find out which widgets are pinned to Tableau on any of your synchronized devices:

      Select the folder with the device name. Sites pinned to the Tableau are located at the top of the list that opens.

    Disable Tableau synchronization

    After that, on the tab Other devices sites pinned to the Tableau will not be displayed.

    Scoreboard after OS reinstallation

    If the operating system and then the browser were reinstalled on the computer, the Tableau will be updated - default widgets will appear on it. But you can view the list of sites attached to Tableau before reinstallation using synchronization (it is tied to the device name).

      In the list of devices, click the folder with the computer name before reinstalling the OS. A list of sites pinned to Tableau before reinstallation will open.

      If there is no such folder, then the computer name most likely did not change after reinstallation. In this case, the browser does not consider the computer a new device and does not show the data folder until reinstallation. Rename your computer ( Control Panelsystem and safety→ System → Advanced System Settings→ Computer name) and wait a bit for the data to synchronize with the server. Then open the tab Other devices and open the folder with the old computer name.

    Widgets disappear on Tableau

    Widgets on the Tableau change because their list is automatically generated from the pages you visit most often.

    To keep the widget always in the same place, pin it: Now

  • Earlier
  • ","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric": false),("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["top"," right"],"alt":"Bookmarks","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":[ "bottom","right"],"alt":"Recently closed tabs","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle ","direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Downloads","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),(" shape":"circle","direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Tabs open on another device","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true ,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"circle","direction":[ "bottom","left"],"alt":"Additions","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

    ","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"circle","direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Previous location of all links on one panel","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true ,"hasBottomCallout":false)]))\">


    All users of Yandex.Browser or the visual bookmarks extension, when adding their favorite site to the board, expect to see a beautiful display of their favorite site!

    This is what the bookmarks board looks like:

    As you can see, some bookmarks (Vkontakte,, are displayed beautifully, and some - a circle with a favicon and name :(

    In this article we will tell you how to set up a beautiful website display in the Yandex Browser display:

    How to create a website widget for the Visual Bookmarks board

    We will show you how to do this using the example of our website - website - Web First Consultant

    We can:

    • change the widget background for our website;
    • add your logo;
    • configure the display of icons for various notifications.

    To do this you need to do the following:

    • Create a widget manifest.
    • Place a link to the manifest on each page of the site (in the HTML code of the page inside the tag).

    Creating a manifest

    A manifest is a JSON file of a certain structure; for our site we made it like this:

    ( "version": "1..png", "color": "#fefefe", "show_title": false), "feed": ( "url": "http://site/messages", "format" : "json", "notifiers": [ ( "name": "messages", "icon": "%CHAT%" ) ] ) )

    Briefly about manifest parameters

    version- manifest file version number (required field). Consists of integers from 0 to 65535 inclusive, separated by a dot. The number of numbers in the version is up to four inclusive. It is not acceptable to start a multi-digit number with a zero (that is, 32 cannot be specified as 032).

    Examples: "version": "1" or "version": "1.0"

    api_version- Tableau API version number with which the widget should work (required field).

    Example: "api_version": 3

    layout- description of the widget’s appearance (required field). Responsible for the description of the logo, widget color and display of the site page title.

    feed- description of notifiers displayed on top of the widget (optional field). If the feed field is not specified in the manifest, then the widget will be displayed as described in the layout field without any updated notifiers.

    Requirements for logos

    The logo image must meet the following requirements:

    • PNG format.
    • Transparent background.
    • The logo should be in harmony with the widget's fill color.

    You should not try to fill all the available space on the widget with your logo. The main indicator is the color of the widget; the logo serves only as an addition.

    Logo size restrictions:

    • long horizontal logos - width up to 150 pixels, height up to 20 pixels.
    • short horizontal logos - width up to 100 pixels, height up to 30 pixels.
    • square logos can be up to 50 pixels in height.

    Requirements for notifier badges

    Notifier icons displayed on the widget must meet the following requirements:

    • width up to 14 pixels.
    • height up to 14 pixels.
    • size up to 10 KB.

    Placing the manifest in the page code in the HEAD section

    where manifest.json is the URL where you can download the widget manifest.

    We stated it like this on our website:

    As a result we got:

    Checking widget display

    Widgets in Tableau are updated at a certain interval, so to immediately see your changes, use the service page browser://tableau-widget

    This is what it looks like for our website:

    And so, after some simple settings that can be done in 5 minutes, the following happened:

    This setup will not take you much time, but will clearly improve the attitude of users on your site!

    If you are unable to configure this yourself, then you can always contact us for help:

    Here are examples of bookmark display widgets that we have made for our clients: