How to open a safe. How to open an aiko safe

There are many legends about opening safes and door locks. For example, they talk about security guards of the past who were able to use a hairpin to open a lock of any complexity in a matter of minutes. In fact, a lock from, say, the thirties, can also be instantly broken open by a modern pro with a couple of pins. And with the proper equipment, he will also open an ultra-modern safe with an electronic code.

Let's debunk a few myths right away. Among autopsy experts there are not and cannot be people with a criminal past, since crystal honesty is one of the most important requirements for the profession. Companies specializing in opening and installing locks and safes most often do not hire new employees at all, making do with a team formed from the very beginning.

It is almost impossible to thoroughly check a newcomer, and trust in this case is very important. People most often enter the profession from related specialties. For example, the team of the Castle 911 company, our consultants, was formed while working in the rescue service. There they often had to open doors - and the rescuers, starting their own business, expanded the scope of their skills.

The second important point: any door, any safe is designed to detain a burglar, and not stop him. Because there is and cannot be any recourse against a professional. In principle, there are no uncrackable safes. The only question is how long the hack will take, whether it will be carried out with or without damaging the lock. Naturally, craftsmen always strive for a “clean”, damage-free opening.

What is a safe?

In Russia, the concepts of “safe” and “fireproof cabinet” (which, in general, can be called a fireproof safe) are often confused. Moreover, the products of many foreign companies, which are originally cabinets, are sold in our country under the guise of safes. A person thinks that he is buying something suitable for storing his papers and valuables, but in fact the cabinet can be opened with two paper clips in half a minute. The bottom line is that fireproof cabinets are not subject to any requirements regarding the difficulty of opening. It's just furniture, even if it's made of steel and protected from fire.

But the design of safes and their locks is regulated by a number of regulatory documents. Depending on the document (Russian GOST R50862−2005, German VDMA 24992, etc.), safes are divided into a number of classes based on burglary resistance. For example, European standards divide safes into five classes (and several subclasses), Russian standards into ten classes.

All elements of the safe must correspond to the highest, fifth class - the walls, the door, and, most importantly, the locks. If you put locks that do not match the type on a safe made according to the fifth class (or install them incorrectly, which also often happens), it immediately loses its resistance to burglary. In addition, you should always look at what standard the safe has been tested against. Otherwise, he may even be “eighth class” in resistance to evil, but no one knows what this figure corresponds to in reality.

Safe locks can be divided into four types: key, combination mechanical, code electronic and exotic (biometric, magnetic, etc.). Oleg Shalashov, an employee of the Lock 911 company, says: “In general, there is no pattern in terms of complexity. There are very complex keys, and there are codes that can be opened in a few minutes.” However, the average opening time is more or less known.

It takes a professional about 15 minutes to make a key lock, and about two hours to make a code lock without any equipment, just using your hands. With equipment, of course, it’s faster. By the way, a lot depends on where the safe is installed. If you can approach it from any direction, this greatly simplifies the process. And one day the craftsmen had to work with a safe installed... behind the toilet. Despite the simplicity of the design, it took some work.

There are a number of companies producing autopsy equipment in Europe and the USA, such as Wendt, Intralock, Steelman or Lockmasters. Essentially, this is an eternal race in a vicious circle: some companies make safes, others make means for opening them, then the first make even more secure safes, and the second make even more serious means, etc. Such equipment is not available for free sale. It is sold only to companies or craftsmen who have a license for the relevant work - so to speak, Licensed, Bonded and Certified Security Professionals.

Professionals receive appropriate training in Europe or the USA and must have a special certificate confirming their skills.

"Clean" autopsy

Opening any lock is based on its errors, “loopholes”, intentionally or accidentally left by the manufacturers. A hundred years ago, errors in the manufacture of locks could reach a millimeter or more, and there were hundreds of different designs. Today there are several main types, but the quality of workmanship leaves the craftsmen much less room for activity. True, two identical castles, in fact, do not exist. Each has its own “face”, its own gaps and errors.

A combination lock with the proper equipment is in some ways easier to open than a key lock. For example, the mentioned company Intralock (and others too) produces special automatic pick-ups. This gadget is installed on the lock and determines the safe code using a selection method within a maximum of 36 hours. More advanced modern models are equipped with an “intelligent system”: at the same time, it “listens” to what is happening inside the lock and analyzes sounds, cutting off obviously inappropriate combinations. It takes about 20 minutes to select the code.

When manually opening a combination lock (we are, of course, talking about a mechanical one), you need to use your hearing, since it is impossible to sort through more than a million combinations without equipment. For this purpose, stethoscopes are used, which repeatedly amplify the clicks and noises inside the lock. Of course, a non-professional will not be able to separate “necessary” sounds from “unnecessary” ones, and even with a stethoscope he will hardly be able to do anything sensible.

However, modern expensive combination locks cannot be selected electronically. The lock is connected to the opening drive mechanism through a gear system and can be located anywhere in the door. Mechanical movement inside such a lock occurs only when the code is completely and correctly entered. During the dialing process, the lock is “silent”, and it is impossible to pick up the code by ear. Then you have to use crude methods, but more on that later.

An electronic combination lock is not that much more complicated than a mechanical one. But you can’t take him by selection. In almost all modern safes, if the key is entered incorrectly, the lock is blocked for, say, five minutes. When repeated - by ten, and then - increasing. This does not mean that such a safe is more reliable than a mechanical one; everyone is equal against a drill. This only means that it is more difficult to hack it “cleanly”.

"Rough" autopsy

Let’s immediately debunk another myth. Many people believe that after drilling and rough hacking, the safe is no good, only to be thrown away. It's a delusion. Drilling is one, maximum three tiny holes. After opening, company employees press cone-shaped plugs into them and seal them. Drilling again at this point is much more difficult - that is, the safe becomes more reliable. The lock, however, will most likely have to be changed. But quality craftsmen also provide this service.

So, when do you have to drill? Firstly, if the lock is broken. Secondly, if it is so complicated that the selection can take several tens of hours, and you need to open it urgently. Thirdly, if the lock is electronic or biometric and in case of incorrect selection it will be blocked.

Safes are drilled in strictly defined places. If the model is typical, well-known, special templates are used.

The central part of such a template is attached to the place of the round code dial; one of the holes on the template (which one is indicated in special tables) coincides with the drilling point. Naturally, they drill at the weakest point of the lock - in order to unlock it. After drilling, the lock is either already open, or it is not difficult to do this through the resulting hole.

If the safe is non-standard, complex, then first a technological hole is drilled through which a borescope (more often called an endoscope) is passed - a thin tube with a flashlight and a camera at the end. Having studied the internal structure of the safe using a camera, the drilling point is calculated - and then according to the standard scenario.

But it's not that simple. Safe manufacturers are actively fighting against drilling techniques. The most commonly used are so-called blockers. For example, in the most convenient place for drilling, a thin cable may be tight. If it is damaged, the lock is activated, securing the lock with the help of an additional tongue. Sometimes tempered glass is installed along the entire inner surface of the door: no matter where you drill, it will somehow burst when it comes into contact with the drill, and the blocker will work again. Moreover, there is even a “blocker within a blocker” type device!

For example, the master drilled unsuccessfully, touched the drive of the blocker, and it worked. The master began to drill a second hole to unlock the lock, and touched the drive of the second lock, which blocked access to the first. All this ultimately does not save the safe from opening, but it significantly slows down the process.

From the box to the plane

Masters have their own tricks and their own guardian angels. The company "Castle 911" told us several funny cases. For example, one of the locksmiths, going out on a mission, found a rusty key on the street and automatically picked it up (lock specialists have this habit). And in the clients’ apartment they found a safe with a key lock of exactly this type. The master cleaned the key in a minute - and it creaked, but surprisingly fit into the safe!

“This is how legends are born!” - company employees laugh. Often clients use characteristic numbers as codes - telephone numbers, birthdays, and still lose and forget them! The craftsmen carefully collect and analyze information coming from the customer. Sometimes, knowing the client’s date of birth, you can select a code in a minute, starting from it as a base.

Safes are just one of the specializations of master openers. They call people to open cars, doors, and once they even had to open an airplane.

Apartment doors also have their own characteristics. They cannot be made in the style of safes or vaults due to fire safety requirements. Therefore, for protection, door manufacturers come up with cunning methods: for example, keyholes are located in places that are inconvenient for burglary - very low or even in the door jamb. It’s not difficult to open such a lock with a key, but breaking it requires a lot of effort. Often you have to open antique boxes, locks on antique furniture, and even ordinary travel suitcases, the codes for which happy vacationers simply forget.

Sometimes technicians also have to work with ATMs (collectors, as it turns out, often forget constantly changing codes). This is a special type of activity, since it is imperative to maintain the functionality of a complex and expensive device. No more than a dozen firms and craftsmen throughout Russia have the right to such work; Sometimes specialists are called from another city. By the way, service technicians never keep “thief’s tools” in their arsenal: crowbars, twists, openers, squeezes, even if the latter are effective. This is the law.

In general, the specialists have plenty of work to do. When, finally, opening locks becomes a licensed activity, and it will be possible to import appropriate equipment from Europe into Russia without any problems, it will become much easier for everyone. And for us, and for closed doors, and for those who open them.

Key Locks: Tool

Key locks are opened using a hand tool (the word “master keys,” so familiar to us, is not liked and not used by locksmiths because it smacks of illegality). The tool can be very different, even construction kits, from which the key can be simply assembled. Assembly takes fifteen minutes, opening - less than a minute.

You can find out which key is needed using various methods. For example, using an ultraviolet lamp. The workpiece is inserted into the lock, the master tries to turn it a couple of times, then looks under ultraviolet light where there are traces of the elements of the lock, and at these points modifies the workpiece. Try after attempt - and after a while you get a key that fits the lock.

How to choose an opening company

For the query “Lock opening”, the Internet returns dozens, if not hundreds of sites with similar services. Many of them are well made and trustworthy. In fact, up to 80% are either single amateurs or even scammers.

The former may not be able to cope with a complex lock, simply breaking it or roughly opening it unnecessarily. The latter can do everything carefully, but in a few days such work will be followed by a robbery...

The first indicator of a good company is the presence of a physical address, that is, an office. Or better yet, a workshop or store. This ensures that the company has at least several employees, plus it is not a fly-by-night company. The second indicator is the presence of a landline, and not just a mobile phone. The third indicator is the scope of the firm's work. Good specialists are engaged not only in opening, but also in installing doors - and even in making safes.

When we were looking for a company willing to help us prepare the material, we were amazed that the first two calls were in vain: they simply rudely turned us away, saying that they were not going to help. Only in the third company, “Castle 911,” they explained to us that we had simply stumbled upon “loners” who, naturally, did not want to appear in the magazine.

This situation is primarily due to the fact that this type of activity is not licensed in Russia. And therefore, scammers easily wedge themselves among professionals, selling their dubious services at inflated prices. Be careful not to get caught!


You can drill not the door, but the wall. Here we apply our own methods of protection. The wall of the safe (unlike a fireproof cabinet) is a “sandwich” of several layers of metal of varying densities. It may not only be metal - there are also corundum layers in aluminum cases and reinforced concrete. An ordinary drill will not take such a wall.

Special drills are used, and they have to be changed during the process, because each is designed for a different type of material. Vertical machines are also used to guide the drill. They are attached to the safe with magnets that can withstand pull-off forces of up to 700 kg. In the photo on the right there is a machine of a similar type, only an ordinary drill is inserted into it, so to speak, “for beauty”: you can’t drill a safe like that.


A sudden failure of a safe lock is one of the signs of an unauthorized attempt to open it. Whether the safe was opened or the lock was just damaged cannot be determined by external inspection. Please take this into account and take the necessary measures.

The safe cannot be opened with the key.

Take your time and do not use much effort. Do not use pliers, levers, etc. Do not rush to call for help from “strong men” and “experts” - most often they are the ones who break keys.

Check if the key is mixed up.

Make sure that the lock is closed, especially if there is more than one. People often try to open an unlocked lock.

Carefully inspect the key and the well to see if there are any foreign objects, the key is bent, or there are cracks on it.

Make sure the key is inserted all the way. A correctly inserted key should turn a slight angle and not be pinched.

Smoothly turn the key left and right, while pressing it away from you.

If you cannot open the safe, call a technician. A broken key will greatly complicate the situation.

Code safe does not open

Check the correctness of the code and dialing order. No matter how confident you are, the rule is “Don’t trust yourself, you’ll be deceived!!!” no one has canceled yet.


Locks require precise dialing. Carefully and smoothly dial the code according to the instructions. Pay attention to the direction of dialing.

Often problems with limbal locks occur in people with poor vision, poor coordination, tremors, the elderly and intoxicated people. In this case, ask someone you trust to help.

The numbers may be misperceived due to wear or contamination of the scale. So, 45 is read as 15, 80 as 60.


Check the condition and contact of the batteries.

Dial the code, paying attention to the blinking and sound of the indicator. Sometimes one of the buttons gives a skip or double entry.

Check for stuck or stuck buttons.

Use the emergency key (if it is not lost).

The lock may be temporarily blocked. Do not touch it for 15-20 minutes, then try again.

If you changed the code, try entering the old one. Perhaps the change did not occur.

On inexpensive Chinese safes, a round push (pump) lock is used as an emergency lock. It is fragile and can be easily broken with a screwdriver or a light blow of a hammer. Do not do that. The safe will not open, and the parts will fall out and make opening difficult.

Call a specialist. In most cases, the safe can be opened and restored without damage.

How to open a safe? – a pressing question for owners of various types of safes. Locks for safes can be coded electronic or mechanical key. There are situations when the key is lost or the code has slipped out of your head, and I need to open the safe urgently. In this situation, many people think about how to open the safe lock quickly and easily?

Some people write down the code on a piece of paper and hide it or make duplicate keys - in such cases the issue is resolved. But what should those do who did not foresee such a situation in advance and the safe with all its contents became absolutely inaccessible not only to robbers and intruders, but also to the owner himself?

The best decision would be to contact a specialist.

Possible actions of an owner who has forgotten the code to his own safe:
1. First of all, you need to try to remember where the key is. Most often, after reflection and intense brain work, owners find the keys and that’s the end of it;

2. If all your efforts are in vain and your memory does not allow you to get closer to finding the key, remember, perhaps you made a duplicate, or someone close to you has a second key;

3. How to open a code safe? Safes equipped with combination locks can only be opened independently if you remember the code. Try a little more and maybe your memory itself will give you the answer. Perhaps the code is the numbers of some important date for you or just your favorite numbers. You can also try to manually select the code at random, but in this case there is a risk of losing a lot of time and still being left with nothing at the closed safe;

4. So, if you have reached the fourth point, it means that the key has not been found, there is no duplicate and never was, and the code is so deeply embedded in the layers of memory that it will take an unknown amount of time to retrieve it (or information about it has forever sunk into the open spaces your memory). In such cases, there are several ways out of an unpleasant situation:
- If this is a safe that you use in a hotel room, then you can ask the staff for help. Most often, such safes have keys for emergency opening; most likely, hotel employees will help you and remove your valuables;

- If a safe that is hopelessly closed has the lowest protection class, most likely you can play around a little with a sledgehammer - yes, yes, try to take it by force! Safes of this type often do not have the most reliable burglary protection class. However, after such forceful measures, you will have to buy a new safe or seriously spend money on replacing the lock (this is if you do not crumble it to shreds);

- More secure safes cannot be opened using a sledgehammer or other forceful method. To open the safe with a high class of burglary resistance, you must contact a special service.

Such companies also provide other services, such as installation and replacement of safes or production of keys.

So, your safe has been successfully opened, the contents are in front of you, what to do after you have experienced such stress? Of course, to identify mistakes so that in the future your absent-mindedness cannot become a serious problem. Make a duplicate of the key and hide it in a secluded place, you can share the secret with the person closest to you - this way there will already be two of you, and if a similar situation with the loss of the key happens again, the chances of finding it will be more encouraging. For electronic locks with a code, the best thing to do is to write the password for the lock on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place (you can again share it with the same loved one).

How to open a safe?

When purchasing a new safe or using one in a hotel room, every person counts on the reliability and safety of their belongings. But what to do if it happens that you forgot the code to the safe? The best way to solve the problem is to get help from the hotel manager or call a special service if the safe was purchased by you.

However, there are other ways to open a safe. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to open an electronic safe

  1. To open the lock of a safe with an electronic code entry method, you can use a special key. This usually comes with the safe, or you can ask a member of staff at the hotel you're staying at.
  2. The port for entering an electronic key is usually located under a special emblem attached to screws. Remove the emblem and insert the key into the port. This way you will be able to remove the password from the safe and open it.
  3. For the case when you don’t have time to ask for help, try entering a combination of zeros: many safes with an electronic password entry method, especially those made in China, have a standard service code combination of six zeros. This combination can open a safe. Note that you can change this combination by pressing the * button. Holding it down for 5 seconds will take you to the software menu where you will need to enter the service code, after which you will need to enter a new code and repeat it. Thus, the service code will change.

Combination safe with mechanical lock

To open mechanically encrypted types of safes, the best method is to call a safe opening service. In this case, you will have to provide your documents for the safe and passport. It is almost impossible to open safes with mechanical encryptors using ordinary brute force. It is also impossible to open them without a key.

In films, we can often see how a character uses a statoscope to open a safe, but in fact this is impossible, since the encoder device is so complex that the cracker will have to come up with an incredible number of combinations before the safe opens. The treasured clicking sound that the character supposedly heard can only happen if the lock tongue hits the encoder wheel, and this will only happen when the combination is entered correctly.

If the company from which the safe was ordered has its own website, then they must provide their client with a login and password under which he can register on the site and enter a special catalog where his model code should be.

If you need to open a large safe, you will inevitably have to call specialists to your home if you were unable to open the safe using other methods. A small safe can be easily transported to the service department - this way you can save money on visiting specialists.

A special feature of a safe with a mechanical encoder is the immutability of the code. The code is assigned by the manufacturer and does not change during operation of the safe. A cipher lock is more secure than an electronic one; however, if you forget the code, it will be more difficult to unlock such a safe. It is worth noting that despite the fact that the code numbers may be individual for different safes, the dialing pattern for them will still be the same.

As for the scheme for opening a mechanical safe, you can try the standard code for many mechanical safes, namely:

  • turn right four times clockwise with the first digit 0 on the red mark;
  • three turns counterclockwise with the number 30 set at the mark;
  • twice to the right at the number 59;
  • turn left once and stop at 0.

Please note that this combination is suitable for older safes of pre-2000 models.

Now let's look at the combination lock from an open-type safe. It has become much more widespread. There is a safe with such a lock in almost every office in the city.

In terms of design and security properties, an open limb lock is simpler than a closed one, despite the fact that they are very similar in appearance. But their operating principle and code set are fundamentally different.

The main task of a limb lock is to limit the movement of the bolt. If the combination lock is dialed, nothing will prevent you from opening the safe door by pressing the handle or turning the key. If the code is not entered, the bolt will not move - it will rest against the code discs. An open type dial lock does not have a deadbolt. The locking elements here will be the code discs themselves, that is, the code elements of the lock.

The operating principle of an open type dial lock is as follows.

The dial knob and code disks have the same axis of rotation. The first disk is the leading one. It is rigidly fixed to the axis with a cotter pin. The other three (sometimes two) are slaves; they can only spin from the master disk. In this case, the leading disk directly interacts only with the second, the second disk transfers the torque to the third, and the third - to the fourth. Always and only this way, “connecting” the disks when rotating in one direction occurs in this sequence and gradually. The discs come into contact with each other through protrusions. The moment of contact of one disk with another can be heard by a characteristic metallic click.

Each code disc of an open dial lock has a code groove.

When the code is entered correctly, the code grooves on all four disks line up into a single code groove. Now nothing will interfere with the entry of the safe door bolt and it will freely “fall” into the common groove when you turn the key or handle.

So, you most likely have a four-digit code (you may even have just learned it while I'm standing next to you trying to teach you how to use it), but you have no idea how to dial it into your safe. Follow the instructions below and you will succeed.

Operating instructions for a combination mechanical lock (open dial).

The index ring of an open type dial lock has only one mark (usually red). It is located at the highest point of the index ring.
The code digit is dialed by setting the number just opposite this working mark when turning the dial knob.

In order to enter the code, you must:

1) Turn the dial knob clockwise three times, skipping first code number past the mark on the index ring. We'll exhibit first code number just opposite the index ring mark for the fourth match.

2) Turn the dial knob counterclockwise. We'll exhibit second code digit exactly opposite the index ring mark for the third match.

3) Rotate the dial knob clockwise. We'll exhibit third the code digit exactly opposite the index ring mark for the second match.

4) When rotating the dial knob counterclockwise, we stop when fourth the number of your code will be exactly opposite the index ring mark.

The code has been dialed. Turn the key and/or handle of the safe in the opening direction and open the door.

ATTENTION!!! When typing the code “return” and “fine-tuning” unacceptable. If, when typing the code, you make a mistake in the number, “skipping” the desired one, the code dialing begins again from the first point.

The code seems to be entered correctly, but the door does not open, the key does not turn? This could be because the combination lock on your safe is broken, or maybe you're simply trying to enter the wrong code. In any case, you need the services of a qualified specialist, who is carried out