How to start playing Revelation Online? Tips for beginners. The future of Revelation: updating the Chinese version How to play revelation online in China

Today we are publishing a guide “How to start playing Revelation on a Chinese server”, thanks to which you can independently download, register and play this interesting project from Netease.

Attention! Changes have been made to the guide regarding registration (point 2) and a solution to the problem with downloading files using the launcher has been added (point 3)

Brief instructions were once published on our website, but due to the increasing number of questions regarding registration and the increased interest of the community in this MMORPG, we decided to make a separate guide under the heading “How to start playing...”. We hope it will be useful to those who want to get acquainted with the Chinese novelty, because in the foreseeable future Revelation will be released in Russian. In addition, on April 22, the game enters its final commercial stage in China.

We hasten to please. You DO NOT need a VPN to play!

1. Client download

Follow the link to download the client loader, download it, launch it.

Select the path where we want to download the distribution and click start.

While the client is downloading, we proceed to registration.

2. Registration

Since the old registration option is outdated, we will use the new one. Its essence is that we will need to register Chinese mail, which will serve as a new account from NetEase.

To begin, go to the mail registration page and click on the first tab, fill out the fields. When entering your phone number, select the code for the country, enter the phone number, receive a verification code and enter it in the last field. Click accept.

Then we see this window, click the button indicated in the screenshot below

A window like this should appear, ready. Let's move on to installation

3. Installing the game

After the client has downloaded, click OK, and then the only brown button on the bootloader.

We admire the inscription for a few minutes.

We install the client.

Click accept.

In the meantime, it’s being updated, you can chop it into something))

P.S. If the client refuses to update, try the following:

  • Press the disk on top (middle button). He will check your client and fix any errors.
  • If that doesn't work, try updating the client manually. On the site where you downloaded the game, in the second tab from the top, there are patches for downloading. Open the game folder, then open the "download" folder and see what patches you have. Download the rest from the site. Next, put all the saved patches into the same Download folder and run the manualupdate. A button will appear in the center in the window, click on it and wait for the manual update to complete. After which you can also run repair (disk button on top), it will check the game files and if something is wrong, it will fix it and download it again.

Click start.

We agree with everything by clicking on the orange button.

Login with our email and password.

Let's create a character and play!

Reduced game latency

To reduce the delay in the game, you can use the same VPN programs: SoftEther, or the paid version of FlyVPN. There is also another option - to use the Chinese program from NetEase, which will reduce the ping, if not to 60, then at least by 250 (that’s how much it dropped from 500 for me). It is already built into the launcher, or you can download it separately.

In the first option, in the launcher, press the button with wings at the top.

We are waiting for installation

Now we wait for optimization and we’re done!

Let's proceed to the second option (it is suitable for those for whom the first one does not work for some reason): First, follow the link to download the program and click the free download button.

Set the checkboxes and launch. We see this window, click the plus sign

Select the last column at the top and find the icon with Revelation

After selecting the game, press the green button to select servers

Select the desired server

Ready! Click on the green icon and look for the path to the game, then launch the game from this program using the same button.

P.S. To change the server, click the button above the green icon and select the second tab.

13.06.2016 Admin 88 100

At the very beginning of summer 2016, the publisher of the new MMORPG Revelation in Russia became known. After the presentation from Mail.Ru Group, all bloggers, players and gaming media began to discuss the game, making it one of the most popular and anticipated games in Russia this year.

Revelation has officially opened its doors to Russian players.
Get started now.

At the moment, dozens, if not hundreds of Russian-speaking players are playing in China, even released, which makes the game much easier and more interesting.

The text below will help you access Revelation on the Chinese server for free and without any SMS.

1. Go to the official website and download the game client

Go to the official Chinese website using THIS link and download the client loader, then launch it. [or from our website]

Download the official Revelation downloader

Select the path to save the game and set the client to download

While the client (12 GB) is downloading (download time depends on your Internet speed), we will proceed to registering an account.

2. Register an account to play on a Chinese server

UPD: Mail, gmail and yandex have not worked lately, so use the international one.

Option #1.

Go to the ACCOUNT REGISTRATION PAGE and fill out the fields as shown in the picture below.

We register an account on the Chinese official website of the game

If registration was successful, we will see:

Game account registration was successful, confirm by email

We go to our mail and see a new letter from “网易用户中心” (perhaps the letter arrived in the Spam folder). We confirm registration using the link.

Confirmation of account registration by email

Congratulations! Account registration is completed.

Account registration completed

Option #2.

The second option involves registering your mail on Follow the link and select the first tab.

Fill in according to the picture.

Particular attention should be paid to the phone. By clicking on the corner in the phone input form, you can select a country. There we choose ours. Then enter the number and press the button to receive SMS. It will contain a verification code. This is exactly what you need to enter below and only then click on “Save”.

After filling it out correctly, you will see a window:

And click on the symbols under the button. You will go to your mail. If everything is ok, then you have an email **** This is what will be used to enter the game.

Option #3.

Follow the link and fill out everything according to the picture below.

Having selected your country, enter the phone number without the code (if Russia, then you don’t need to write +7).
After filling out all the items, press the red button.

Within 48 hours, you must confirm your registration by email by simply clicking on the link from the received letter.

Option ##4

If you do not want to register an account yourself, then you can buy it on a third-party resource, namely on the website On the left in the menu you can find the game Revelation, and then you will be given the opportunity to buy a game account (Revelation Online 天谕(CN) Account).

Skype Chat - [store manager]

You can pay for your account in the newgameway store in the following ways: Western Union, PayPal, WebMoney, MoneyBookers. Don't forget to register on this site before purchasing. Game account information will be sent to your email.

3. Let's move on to installing and updating the game

We have already downloaded the client! Now let's move on to installing it.

Go to the folder where you downloaded the client, run the file “pg-1.0.157.exe”. We wait about 2-3 minutes and then indicate the path where to install the game.

Again we wait until the game is installed. Now let's move on to updating the client.

Go to the folder where you installed the game, find tystart.exe there and launch it. The launcher will do the rest for you.

When you launch it for the first time, it will download the necessary files, after which the launcher needs to be restarted.

Update in Chinese server launcher

Enter your account details, select a server and create a character

Enter your email and password that you specified when registering your account. Let's go to server selection. Select the server and click on the red button. Now you are faced with the task of who you will play for.

If you are unable to enter the game and an unknown error pops up, take a look at these VKontakte groups:

Until recently, only owners of early access kits had the opportunity to play on Russian servers. But now everyone can evaluate the most anticipated Online-RPG of 2016, and, moreover, for free.

Today we will tell you how to start playing Revelation Online and avoid common mistakes common to beginners.

From this article you will learn:

Installing the Russian version

As we mentioned earlier, the publisher of Revelation in Russia and the CIS countries is And to register an account, you need to create an email on the official website of the localizer. After this, all that remains is to go to the game website and download the Game Center.

After launch, you will be prompted to enter your account login and password and begin downloading the client. Before installing the game, make sure that your PC's specifications match.

Once the client is installed, you can start the game. At the time of the start of BT, the publishers offered players seven servers. If you are not targeting a specific server, choose the least loaded one.

To date, Revelation has created over half a million characters and over a thousand guilds.

The title of the most popular class so far is held by the Marksman - a specialist in firearms and a master of ranged combat. He is slightly inferior to the mysterious and multifaceted Reaper. The least popular classes remain the Druid, which combines the functions of a healer and a summoner, as well as the Guardian, which is the only full-fledged tank in the game.

Playing on foreign servers's idea to localize Revelation in Russia attracted the attention of thousands of players to the project. To get to know the game better before the launch of Russian servers, many fans of the genre attempted to play in China, where an open beta test began back in 2015.

To evaluate the original version of the game, you need to create a mailbox on one of the Chinese sites., owned by NetEase, the developer of Revelation, is perfect for this purpose.

The installation algorithm is almost the same as in the case of the Russian version. The only difference is that you need to run it yourself by finding the installation file in the directory where you downloaded it.

  1. Select the installation folder, when the process is complete, go into it and run the tystart.exe file, after which the client update will begin. When you launch it for the first time, the launcher will download new files, after which you need to restart it.
  2. Next, open the client, enter the username and password specified when registering your account, and select a server. Note that you can meet quite a lot of Russian-speaking players on Chinese servers.
  3. You can also download a crack, which makes it possible to at least roughly understand what is required of you to pass. Of course, the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired, but it is quite enough to somehow navigate the space.

And in early spring, the European and American Revelation servers are expected to appear. Their approximate launch date is March 6, 2017. The good news for players from Russia and the CIS countries is that they will not be blocked by IP.

Revelation Online offers players a huge open world and plenty of opportunities for development. It's easy to get confused in such diversity. And false steps at the beginning of the game can have the most unpleasant effect on the character’s entire further progress.

For this reason, we have prepared a mini-guide for our readers, in which we examined the main mistakes of novice players.

Observations of Chinese servers show that experienced players do not strive to reach the maximum level and often remain at level 59 for a long time. And this is a very wise approach, since improving gear and characteristics by 60+ costs much more. Without preparing for the transition to higher levels in terms of currency and resources, you will find yourself in a very difficult situation on all fronts.

In the Revelation game universe, the guild system is of great importance. It is almost impossible to survive here alone. Even with good gear for your level, you will only be able to solo the easiest dungeons. Each class in the game has a specific role, and to successfully advance in quests, complete dungeons and group towers, you will need a team.

In addition, membership in a strong guild provides a lot of advantages, and participation in PvP events with allies will allow you to get many rare items necessary for character development.

Tip #3 – Don’t neglect daily content

Farming mobs and mini-bosses, completing dungeons and towers, completing tasks - the creators of Revelation have prepared a lot of activities for players every day. Some of them may seem rather monotonous, but you should not refuse them. By completing the necessary content, you receive a certain amount of resources that are necessary for the dynamic development of your character.

For example, by going through certain dungeons, you receive exorcism points, which you later exchange for unique resources for crafting. And completing guild quests helps to obtain materials for the construction of useful buildings on the territory of the union.

Tip #4 – Make a choice in favor of harmonious character development

You shouldn’t download everything at once or, on the contrary, focus on one branch of skills. Even if you play a class whose main task is to deal damage, you need to take care of its defense and HP. Decide on your development strategy and playing style. Not all skills in the build will be useful in a given situation. And you will have to spend a lot of resources on studying.

In addition, Revelation provides improvements to skills and additional effects. At the same time, skills for air battles are unlikely to be useful to you until you reach high levels.

You can talk endlessly about the nuances of the game, and still players will only be able to learn something from personal experience. And the best way to explore the world of Revelation is to see it with your own eyes.

That's all for today. See you soon. Bye bye.

Today we will talk about how you can play on official Chinese servers in Revelation online. Let me remind you that you can play on these servers right now without purchasing any verified accounts. Also, you will not need to constantly visit the game website to launch it. In general, no problems await us, and this makes us happy. The whole difference between the Chinese servers and ours will probably be in the ping and of course the language. Therefore, I strongly recommend playing on the Chinese server first.

Here we go? First, we need to download the game client. To do this, go to the official website and click on the golden button on the left side of the “Download game” screen; After that, we are redirected to the game download page and we need to click on another large “Quick download” button; Also on this page there will be the necessary drivers for the game to work correctly and, if necessary, I recommend installing them.

When you run the installer, select the unpacking location and click on the single gold button. While the Revelation online game client is downloading, let’s not waste time and go to the game website to register an account. Let me remind you that you don’t need to buy any verified account, and you don’t need to change your IP address to Chinese either. So next you need to register an account. In the first line you will need to enter your email, there are no restrictions so you can enter even rambler, even Yandex, or use mail for registration. In the second line, enter your password to enter the game and in the third line, enter the same password again. In the fourth line, enter the captcha and check the box “Accept the license agreement”;. Click on the golden button and you will receive a registration confirmation by email.

Go to your email and follow the link that will be in the letter. That’s it, in fact, we don’t need the site anymore. We wait for the game to download, after which a white window should appear in the middle. Click on the button, then you will see a window with Chinese characters. This window will hang for a couple of minutes. So, don't be scared. After which the installer will install the game for you. The installation is absolutely no different from any other game, click further, and then click on the middle button, thereby re-confirming the license agreement. Enter the path to install the game and click on the middle button again.

Now you only need to wait until the game client is installed. Once Revelation online is installed, leave a checkmark so that you have a shortcut to launch the game on your desktop. And press the middle button again. After you have completed all the steps, the client will open the game launcher for you and you will need to wait a while for all the latest updates to be installed.

And by the way, I ran into an interesting problem. Sometimes the download speed sometimes disappeared and did not download updates. The problem can be solved simply, just close the launcher by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner and launch it again from the desktop. After you launch the launcher itself, continue downloading updates automatically. After the update is all installed, click on the golden button and all friends, all elementary dances with a tambourine are completed.

After the game starts, enter your email and password. Click on the login button, select servers and enjoy the game!